"When we dream it's about past realities," Agatha told them, "I bet you two have been dreaming about such things, Miss Chavez told me about a universe she's been where you two were quite the item, maybe you two have seen such things?"

Neither wanted to admit but it was true, Wanda thought of her dreams and so did Cecellia, especially the one she had this morning. Was this the one that Chavez is from? "How has Chavez been to other universes?" she asks.

"Should you tell them or should I?" Agatha asked the kid.

America sighed, "I can travel the multiverse."

"You wanted to know why New Jersey, right Elemental?" Agatha asked looking at Cecellia with the same grin that hasn't left her face, "because, in another universe, I found this small town, West View New Jersey trapped in a Hex. Such power still lies in this town's soil even though it hasn't happened yet or even may not happen here," he explained.

"Did... Did I do that?" Wanda asked and the look Agatha gave her answered her question, she closed her eyes, "why?"

"That I'm not sure of, maybe love," Agatha gestured to Cecellia.

Cecellia shook her head, "you're not going to get away with whatever your planning," she told her.

"I'm not going to get to take Wanda's power and this child's power?" Agatha asked, "I don't know about that."

The Avenger and the Agent looked at eachother, she just told them her plan and she had no Runes up, what is her plan here? Cecellia surrounded Agatha in a ball of fire as Wanda broke America's magical binds!

"Thank you!" America thanked her but as she looked at Wanda she remembered the other universe where Wanda hunted her and hurt her...

"I'm not going to hurt you," Wanda reassured her.

"Should we try to apprehend her?" Cecellia asked looking at Agatha who was trying to get out of the ball of fire!

America shook her head, "we should get out of here before she gets out and decides to try to take my power," she gives her opinion.

Wanda and Cecellia share a look before nodding, "okay kid, your right," Cecellia grabbed her arm and led her out of the room, putting up her other hand before strengthing her fireball surrounding Agatha but so were Wanda's powers around it to help keep the evil witch inside.

They got back into Wanda's car and America got into the back, she gulped nervously as she was still a little freaked out by the difference of universes. She thanked the both of them once they were driving away, Cecellia's hand was still clenched holding Agatha still with the help of Wanda.

"It's the least we could do," Wanda told her.

Cecellia smiled at her in the back, "so what's your full name because all we know is Chavez."

America just smiled back, "I'm America Chavez," she introduced herself.

THEY ENDED UP STOPPING AT A HOTEL where they got a room; one problem though was there were only two beds. Cecellia said she'd take the couch but Wanda was so insistent on her having the bed that they went back on forth for a while before Wanda ended up turning the couch into a bed.

"They might be questioning how a two bed room turned into a three bed room," Cecellia pointed out.

"I'll turn it back when we leave," Wanda reassured her.

America just laughed from her bed.

After a while Cecellia fell asleep in her make-shift bed and so did Wanda, America was the last. As the two women dreamt...



The two past lovers looked at each other breathlessly as each of them had their own reactions, Wanda thought she had lost Cecellia and her boys in this universe but here was Cecellia unharmed...

And Cecellia saw the love of her life after finding out she had killed multiple innocent people to try to get back to their family they had created.

"What are you doing?!" She asked Wanda, she was crossed. If Strange expects her to fight against Wanda... To even possible to try to kill her... She doesn't know if she could even...

When it came down to fighting Cecellia fought against Strange because she loved Wanda and that's what he told America when she asked why Cecellia betrayed them. But when America opened up a portal to the reality Wanda wanted that was when things fell apart...

Cecellia didn't know what to do so she just stood there watching as she saw another version of herself trying to protect Tommy and Billy from Wanda as if she'd ever hurt them... The other version of Wanda was thrown but the family she wanted didn't want her...

They went to the other Wanda as her Wanda fell to her knees, the other Wanda caressed her cheek trying to comfort her. "Know that they'll be loved," she told her before she backed away as America portal closed behind her.

Wanda cried before Cecellia walked up and hugged her wife, "Wanda, it's okay," but the Witch shook her head.

"No, it's not," Wanda then pulled out of the hug as she flew onto the table before destroying the Darkhold fortress around her, doing the right thing in the end... Ready to sacrifice her life for the cause as well.

But Cecellia wouldn't leave her like the others, as everything collapsed around them she surrounded Wanda with a ball of elements to protect them, "Cecellia? What... What are you doing?"

"I can't leave you to die," Cecellia told her, "I love you."

Wanda's eyes opened as she sat up thinking about what Agatha had said, she looked at America who was still up, and she noticed it was still dark out, "is it true that what we dream are other realities?"

"Yes," America nodded, "what did you see?"

"The three of us but with Strange as well," Wanda answered not realizing Cecellia was awake as well, America tried not to react, "I was attacking you all but then Cecellia joined my side... But then you opened a portal to another reality and I saw these boys... I see them a lot they are my sons... In other realities-"

"Our sons," Cecellia corrected as she sat up.

"But they were afraid of me, I think I realized I was the problem and I tried to sacrifice myself," Wanda said with tears in her eyes.

Cecellia looked at Wanda as she remembered the dream, "but I wouldn't let you die... I loved you," she told her.

Wanda looked at her as her eyes softened and so did Cecellia's.

They ended up staying up a few more hours talking with America about her Multiverse powers and the things she's seen, they also told her about their universe and things she didn't know. That was when Chavez mentioned the name, Strange.

"Next stop should be Doctor Strange's Sanctum," America told them making them both look at eachother.

Cecellia stepped up, "you know Doctor Strange?" She then reminded herself about the other universes thing, "from other universes."

"I've known him from multiple universes," America explained, "one wasn't so pleasant but the other... I trusted. I believe I can give your Strange a chance."

"Luckily he said we can call him if we need him," Wanda said with a nod looking at Cecellia.

America then yawned both women smiled.

"We should try to go back to sleep," Cecellia suggested.

The Latina girl nodded, "okay," she laid down covering herself up with her blanket.

Wanda did so as well and Cecellia was the last, she then thought of the idea of sharing with Wanda, that would be nice... We just met. You just shouldn't fall so fast, she chided herself, and Wanda's a telepath what if she hears all this? that would be embarrassing. There is no way she feels the same way...


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