As usual I was sitting on the passenger seat beside the chauffeur. Harold and Dylan at the back seat.

Our car drive was silent with no one talking. And after about 10 minutes, the car pulled in towards the coastal area.

I was in to awe as I got out of the car because infront of me was a huge white cruise ship. It was so large. Dylan was standing beside me as I whispered,
"Are we getting inside that?" I pointed towards the cruise.

He chuckled,


I'm super duper excited for this.

"Let's get in, shall we?" Dylan asked as nodded.

With that Harold, Dylan and I walked towards the cruise but wait!!
Why aren't the guards following us anymore? They were standing at the coast line.

Maybe they are here to guard the coast.

A narrow white colored staircase was pushed out from the cruise for us to climb onto it. One by one, the three of us climbed up and walked inside, it had the wooden flooring and at the edge was a small helipad. We walked further more in and again climbed upstairs until we reached an open air terrace. In here was a large blue swimming pool, a tennis court and...

My looking around was cut off as an old man and a young man walked towards us. Both the men had almond shaped eyes with a single folded eyelids, a button nose and a full lips. I guess they are Asian. The only difference between both men were their hair colour and age.

"Hello Mr Kingston, it's a pleasure to have you here." The old man said with a warm smile plastered on his face.

"Same here Mr Chang." Harold responded.

"And this is my son Zhāng Chang." The old man patted the younger man's shoulder.

Harold shook his hand with Zhāng Chang before saying,
"Let's talk about work."

"But you haven't introduced us to your team." Zhāng said looking at us.

What team? It's just me and Dylan.

"Well, this is Dylan, my right hand man and this is Miss Nolan, my employee." Harold said.

Both the Chang's scrutinized me from top to bottom and I felt weird under their scrutiny.

"So now let's talk about work." Harold said as both of them nodded.

The cruise started sailing across the sea as the four men walked away from me and a waitress approached me and directed me inside towards my suite.


I freshened up as it was already evening. My room was beautiful with a queen sized bed in between with white sheets draped on it. A medium square window from which I could the see the water flowing. Everything was beautiful but I was kind of bored, so I thought of going out. I took my phone and marched out of my room towards the open air terrace.

As I reached the terrace, my phone dinged and I pulled it out, it was a mail from a New York shopping mall, saying that there was a big sale on the coming week.

God!!!!! I'm gonna miss it for sure..


My eyes were glued onto my phone, checking my other mails when suddenly I felt a presence infront of me.

I lifted my head up to see Zhāng Chang with a cheshire smile on his face.
"Hii." He said that in a husky way.

"Hi." I forced a smile.

"What's your name?" He asked, taking a step forward towards me, he was kind of invading my personal space.

"I am Naomi Nolan." I said as I took a step back and looked around. No one was around.

All I wanted was to get inside the dine and have a hot steaming cup of coffee but now I'm stuck with this Chinese weirdo..

"On which department do you work?" He asked again as he again took a step forward.

I took a step back while replying.
"In finance department."

"Would you like to work for us also." He took a step forward still with that creepy smile.

"What?" I furrowed my brow as again I took a step back.

He again took a step forward and I took a step back and that went on until my foot came in contact with a bottle, as the bottle rolled under my foot causing me to lose my balance and I tripped.

My back came in contact with the cruise railing and my body automatically back flipped. And now I was on the air with widened eyes and a face filled with horror.

"I CAN'T SWIM AHHH..!!.." I screamed my lunges out and SPLASH.

I felt my body dip inside the cold water as I gasped hard. I was drowning in as I tried hard to push myself up but failed miserably. Cold water filled my lungs as blood pounded in my eyes. I gasped for breath as I was trying hard to keep my head above but the currents were pulling me down. My breaths were agonizingly painful and short. It was hard to breathe.

With my faint vision I saw someone jumping into the water but I saw no hope as I let myself free. I drowned in but suddenly I felt a strong arm around my waist as the same arm pulled me up. My consciousness was already fading as I felt myself dragging upto the cruise.

I was lying flat on the floor of the cruise with my eyes closed. I could hear whispers, mumblings as I felt a hand pressing onto my stomach in order to remove the excess water from inside me. I was still at short of breath. My consciousness was slowly fading away until...

I felt someone's soft fingers pinching my nostrils shut and the next thing I felt was a soft lips against mine.

I hope it's Dylan's..

I gasped hard as my breathing steadied and I slowly opened my eyes. But as I saw the face of the person who was kissing me, my eyes widened like saucers.


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