Fourteen two twenty

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As I grew old, I realized words are meaningless when you face the most powerful weapon in the world.


We spent days and night chatting about things we wanted
Our voices that shattered windows across the street
couldn’t be more powerful than a void
where we screamed out sins.

I knew what I was about to do, and believe me, Darling
I tried my best to make it work for us two. 
I knew you believed in me, so I believed in you
We spent two years together, just to part ways.

I would never put the blame on you.
That’s what people do. 
They come around and I have to let them go.
But you.. Darling, you set my heart ablaze.

First argument we had, first sorry we said
Like an empty bottle at a bar, we broke down
We settled for some kind of a compromise
But wandered across the empty lake without..
without ourselves.

Then my mental illnesses started to show
“I won’t leave you, never” you swore.
Both of us knew it wouldn't be like before.

As depression held me at gunpoint,
We started writing our downfall.

I swore I would get better, every time we had an argument.
I  lied to myself that it will get better, but darling, I am just a man
Just a man, with shattered heart and withered
losing grasp on the reality, losing the sense of my position

I know I told you I’ll be okay, somehow.
But as it turned out, you lied, and so did I.
I guess it’s true. 
You can’t love someone else, unless you love yourself.

You caught me by your precious hazel eyes.
How would I know when I met your in hand in mine
And now, from time to time.. I still remember how you used to talk,
how your lips formed shapes of those words “I love you”
How you used to laugh, 
how your body language gave away your signs of love.

We found ourselves drifting apart without any connection to any land.
Please, darling, remember me as i walk away from your tight hold
We found ourselves ruining our lives, without any excuse
Please, darling, forgive me as I walk away from your precious mind.
We found ourselves without hearts made of gold..

Please, darling, remember me as I run far away from your tight hold.
Please, darling, promise me You’ll fall in love over and over again.

It’s 2am and I’m standing on my balcony, thinking about the time we’ve spent together
Smoke in my lungs and I stare at the endless sky full of stars that You used to love
As wolves howl at the moon, I crave to my bed and cry myself to sleep because
I’m missing you.

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