Zion was quicker to rub the mud across my arms, the touch more clinical than personal, but Zaxton took his time smearing the slowly solidifying liquid across my collarbone, throat and face.

My heart damn near stilled altogether as I held my breath when his large fingers, hands that could strangle me to death without any effort being exerted at all, gently caressed my skin as if he was afraid he would break me at the merest touch.

And that was the truth.

In reality, he could snap my body in half with just a mere flick of his fingers, a command from his brain that would tell him that I was a threat.

But instead, he was helping me, disguising my body so that others couldn't recognize that I was different from them.

And for his help, for their help as a team, I was eternally grateful and forever in their debt.

They could have chosen to kill me off but they didn't.

At least, for now that is.

If I started testing their patience, who knows what could come of me.

After Zion had slathered up my arms with the mud that was beginning to stink like crap, I reached up and touched the side of Zaxton's shoulder to turn his attention away from the task at hand, specifically his hands that were now roaming across the soft flesh of my throat and the smooth skin on the back of my neck.

His eyes turned up to mine and I gulped, knowing he could feel the movement of the saliva going down my throat as his fingers pressed slightly on the pulse point at the base of my neck.

"Thank you for this….You didn't have to help me and you did it anyways despite our differences so I thank you for that."

Zaxton hummed in response to my statement of gratitude before he pulled his hands away from my skin and the strangest sensation filled my body, I was craving his touch now that it was gone.

Why am I feeling this way?

Are there some sort of certain chemical pheromones being released into the air in this forest or something?

God, if only I was intelligent in ways that I could understand this biochemistry, like Indie was.

The sharpest wave of homesickness washed over me, I missed my sister, I missed my best friend, I even missed those fucking groups of shitheads who always spread the most bothersome rumors around the Celestial.

I missed them all and I've never felt that way before, I wanted to get back there as soon as possible.

After I located Mama, of course. I didn't purposefully mean to crash land on this planet but now that I was here, maybe they could use some of their resources to locate a beacon of a signal on Earth that might belong to my mother.

It was a long shot but I had to take it. Otherwise, all of this would be nothing if I didn't find her.

"It is of no trouble at all. However, we must get a move on soon if we wish to arrive at the heart of the kingdom by the dusk of this daybreak."

Zacton said as he pulled back before him and Zion cleansed their hands free of the mud they used to darken my naturally pale complexion in the local river only a few foot yards away and then, we were all set out marching across the forest land in a direction that felt like we were walking in circles after only a handful of hours or so.

My feet, bare as they were since my shoes couldn't hold up in this terrain and Zaxton lent me a pair of sandals he found buried at the bottom of his satchel, were aching in the foreign rubbery material of the heavy, clunky sandals that thudded with every step I took.

My knees felt as if they were going to give out at any moment and I was going to faceplant the ground at any second, my body was sore and shot from the recent excursions and events it's had to go through lately but I was thankful for the fact that Zaxton was the only one keeping me upright with his muscular arm wrapped around the small of my waist, his large hand resting lightly against my side as he half cupped my waist with a certain gentleness that was at war with his hardened external composure.

And I was almost certain that his touch wasn't a conscious action, that he had merely placed his arm there without another second thought, but I realized it was also for my own protection as when we finally emerged from the woodlands and entered the bustling atmosphere of the nearby city, wooden buildings standing taller than any other ones I've seen before.

I could feel Zaxton tug me just a bit harder into his side as the nearby pedestrians upon the modestly paved street gawked in stupefied confusion at the sight of the strange creature, me, that was huddling up against one of their former leaders of the land.

Talk about unwanted attention.

Although they could gawk as much as they wanted to, as long as there was a possibility of them helping me get back to the Celestial, they could stare at my ass for as long as they wanted to.

Because I had no time to mess around. I now had a new mission to complete and that was to get off this planet as quickly as possible.

Alright then, boys, let's get this freakshow on the road.

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