Do Not Look Back

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January 27, 8:45 read on the clock, Amalia had tears in her eyes, saying goodbye to family before leaving to meet with Jasper. She first started with the oldest.

Jeremy, they weren't close but they were family, one hug and goodbye was giving before going down the line.

Going to the next one, Janet, her best friend. Her older sister, the one she looked up to. The hug lasted about a minute until she moved on.

Then going to her twin, Jamall. Her other half, the person who wrestled her in the womb, witch caused mom to have a C-section. Because this dummy wanted to be eldest. Well they did have to get c-section, but that's their story.

Chester, her younger brother those two hated each other, always arguing, but they did hug and said I love you. Chester could believe it. Why always argued and he would always tell her to leave and no one wanted her their, now here they were, her saying goodbye. Now out of all he felt betrayed, he wanted to do that to, but he has to stay and watch their mother while she's living the life.

Dawn, and Luna, the twins, those two were close to her, second everyone was crying. Saying I love you to them she let go. Going to the youngest sibling

Clementine had tears flowing and was a sobbing mess. Amalia couldn't help but pull her in. Hard. Crying with her. Pulling away after a minute or two.

"I promise to bring you a prettiest flower when I come visit" clemmy nods and hugs her one last time.

Then going to the one and only. Her mother.

She was standing holding on to her IV stand, keeping her head high with tears she refuse to let go.

"Me and your father ran away, just before we began this life, you two run and you guys Do Not Look Back, so you understand me? You go, get out of here don't think about coming back, you visit every month, but keep low. But when you walk out that door you run as fast as you can and DO NOT STOP, you tell jasper I said to run and DON'T LOOK BACK" at this point she was crying

"Yes ma'am" they hug for at least three second before her mother grabbed her shoulders.


Giving on last look to all her sibling and giving a family hug sobbing, she runs out the door, her mother's words linger in her head. '𝐷𝑂 𝑁𝑂𝑇 𝑆𝑇𝑂𝑃  𝑈𝑁𝑇𝐼𝐿 𝑌𝑂𝑈 𝑅𝐸𝐴𝐶𝐻 𝑇𝐻𝐴𝑇 𝑀𝐴𝐸𝐷𝑂𝑊 '


Finally walking out of breath she reaches the meadow just in time to see jasper walk away. She didn't realize she was late. Jasper thought she changed her mind.

"JASPER" she says out of breath, jasper turned his head fast to catch her, she was panting, tears in his eyes matching his, he had to say goodbye to his little sister

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"JASPER" she says out of breath, jasper turned his head fast to catch her, she was panting, tears in his eyes matching his, he had to say goodbye to his little sister. And lied to his father saying he's going to the store. They run to each other without hesitation embracing one another. And give a single kiss on the lips.

"Let's get the hell out of here" she smiles.

"I thought you changed your mind" jasper said eyes shinning in happiness.

"You know me, making sure my hair was okay" she joked, she was always late and complaining her hair was ugly. Witch led to him giving her a speech about how beautiful she is. They laughed.

"I was able to get 500 that should be enough to get to Boston, and then I made a few calls and were going to be staying in a shack until we could get money to get away" jasper says. Amalia feels tears in her eyes. They were doing this.

"Jasper that's enough. As long as we're together, me and you" she says grabbing his hands. "Mom told me to go, and never look back, saying how her and dad did this. We're going to go and not look back" jasper nods and takes her hand, together running through the forest not looking back. Backpacks on their backs.

They didn't know they had two days left together.

They didn't know they had two days left together

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726 words


So I cried making this, I always saw people saying they cried making their story's and I always thought they were joking no I'm crying at my own stuff.

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