The big Boom

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i feel myself with someone. i'm in their lap as they gentle rock me back and forth, i slightly open my eyes to see Lloyd and him looking straight ahead i give a small sigh in relief, and rest my head agains his arm as he looks down at me

"hey, you ok, you've been out for a while" he asked

and i sit up while rubbing my head and say "yeah, i have a small head ache. but other than that nothing that i cant handle. what happen?"

then i see him clench his fist and jaw and his eye turn a metallic green and his hands start to glow so i quickly scoot over put my hand on his and lay his head on my shoulder "hey hey hey, its ok we don't need to talk about it" i say and start to hum and close my eyes. and after a while he lets out a sigh and let me rock

i open my eyes to see where we are and i see we are in a cage with stone under us, and within a few moments that peace was ruined with goons coming in the door, unlocking the cage and yonking us apart (eheheheheheh: am i the only one who thought that was funny// ok back to the story)

now me and Lrloyd are being dragged to the upper deck. and when i look over the side i see the burned down castle, that i once lived in all the memories came flooding back and once we landed me and Lloyd where dragged to the temple that had not been burnt in the fire as we are being forced up the stairs rumis singing her lullaby

"spider in your mouth

sleep sleep"

as she's singing me and Lloyd are being toyed around with, by the SOG goons

"so this is your true face, without the mask. no wonder you covered it" Lloyd said in an annoyed slash angry tone

but harumi quickly spins around "bit your tongue green ninja. the fight is all but over"

"where are you taking us?" i ask

"trapped in the palace of secrets all my life, it gave me time to make a few alterations, you could say. Yes, i destroyed the palace, but i was careful not to damage the Temple of Resurrection." harumi explained as we made our way to the top of the steps to reveal the temple with water and a wall and on the outside of the wall the burnt down palace around us

Ulra violet came running towards us to report "the ninja have survived, Quiet One. their in the city" and as she's explaining that some goons are fixing to cages to were if one is lowered the the other one rises

then Lloyd pops in "what was that you said about the fight being over?"

"let them come!" yelled harumi "if anyone tries to stop me, i always have my insurance policy" then she motions towards her be hide her and when we look we see misako in a cage but i have to pretend that i don't know her but its hard to show no concern

"MOM-LLOYD" they both yelled at the same time as misako is being lifted up higher in the cage

"she's crazy. she wants to bring back your father" misako yelled from the cage

"i've been so looking forward to this... family reunion" said reported harumi

"let her go, this is between us" grunted lloyd

"no, lloyd. there was never anything between us. we found her after she tracked down young wu. helpful of her" said harumi "prepare the ceremony. we begain at night fall"

"i wont let you get away with this" said lloyd in a stern voice

"or what you'll cry" laughed Ultra violet

time skip

me and lloyd were separated. after that the SOG thrown me into a cage in the ground with no light accept a little window with rusty bars a bottle of water and bread, as the hours passed i heard commotion

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