14-No One Like You

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(^^Sad song for this one:( Get your tissues ready^^)
Mikes POV:

It had been the next day and I was seeing Will. After our whole group met up we did as much as we could. We didn't wanna waste Wills last months. We went to the movies and watched what Will wanted to. The next day we went swimming even tho the lake was freezing. We did so much that week.

Me and Will sat on his bed as we watched the sunset. Cheesy I know but it made me feel better knowing he was with me than anyone else. I just sat there thinking about how I only had until December with him and it was already October... I don't even understand why he didn't tell me. It would have been kinda nice to know in advance.

I just put my head in his lap crying. "Mike, i'll be okay." I just cried more, "You can't leave me Will.. I love you too much.." Will sighed, "I know but I still have time okay?" I nodded my head. "Okay.." We sat there slowly just falling asleep. I woke up the next morning with puffy eyes..

We went to school and I just couldn't do anything nor focus on anything. The only thing on my mind was Will... I just couldn't believe I was gonna lose him. My thoughts got interupted as the teacher yelled, "Micheal Wheeler! Pay attention." I suddenly got brought back to the painful reality of life.

I was gonna lose Will in two months..

---Late October---
3rd Person:

It had been a few weeks and Mike did anything that Will wanted to considering he was dying slowly. It was the yearly Halloween festival that happened every single year, "Mike, I haven't ever been able to do everything in one night so I wanna try it." Mike smiled and nodded, "We got this."

They just wanted it to be them so Mike got his polaroid packed up and he asked Joyce for some money and she said yes after a few begs. Mike and Will drove to the festival using Jonathans car because he was currently smoking pot with Argyle in his van. Mike and Will ended up at the festival after a few minutes of driving.

They both went up to the ticket booth and there was a very nice looking lady who was working there. "How many tickets would it take to do everything in this park once?" The lady sighed and rolled her eyes. I guess shes not nice. The lady said, "483 tickets, it'll be atleast 67 dollars for that much."

Mike nodded his head as he pulled out the money Joyce gave him. He gave it to the lady and went off with Wills hand in his. "Will, this is gonna be such a fun night." Will smiled, "I know." Will said. Mike pulled out his camera and took a photo of him and Will. Mike was kissing the side of Wills face.

They went to an intense ride and gave the tickets to the man operating it. "Enjoy... Fucking-" Mike couldn't make out what the man said but probably something offensive. He didn't care though, all he cared about was Will. "Ready?" Mike said turning his head to Will as they got strapped in. "I think so!"

Will said smiling. He was fairly happy even though he was dying soon. Mike guessed that's always been Will. He's always had a positive outlook on absolutely everything. That's what made him more special than he already was. As the ride moved someone already vomit which was absolutely disgusting.

Mike hates vomit, it's so gross. Anyways the ride spun and kept going higher and faster. It was so fun though. Mike and Will both loved it considering the fact that they were happy as ever even after the ride! After they got off Will could barely stand up! It was so funny. Mike couldn't believe this is gonna end soon..

They went on so many rides, ate, did a few games, more rides then eventually they had to leave. They got into Jonathans car and sat in comfortable silence during the ride to Will's house. They got inside the house and Mike went to Will's phone putting his moms phone number in it.

---With Karen---
Karens POV:

I heard a ringing coming from the phone in the kitchen as me and Ted were eating with Holly. I got up and picked it up, "Hey mom!" It was Mike, "Hey Mike! What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt!" Mike stopped me, "No I was just asking if I could stay at Will's for the night." Oh, "Of course!"

With that I hung up the phone and went back to the table where my husband and daughter both sat eating.

-----Back With Mike-----
Mikes POV:

I hung up the phone and went over to Will laying down, "I love you..." He kissed my cheek, "I love you too. Go to bed." Will said closing his eyes. I sighed and fell asleep with the tiny boy in my arms. I loved him so so much...

-Over the Next few Weeks-
We all did multiple things everyday trying to make up for Will. When it came to Halloween we dressed up as Scooby-Doo characters! Me and Will were Shaggy and Scooby. Sadly Dustin wasn't going. Lucas was Fred while Max and Jane were Velma and Daphne. Dustin was going with Eddie and Steve for some reason.

We all had so much fun that night and in the middle of November was when it got bad.. Will and me were walking to his house from school and he fell to the ground coughing. I picked him up and we had to race to the ER.. He got rushed in and I wasn't able to see him for 2 hours. When the doctor came in I stood up as soon as I could.

I ran into the room and kissed Will, "Oh baby you're okay.." I said kissing Will. "Not going just yet Wheeler." I smiled at his joke. He was always so happy. I loved that about him. We sat there for the next I don't even know how long, weeks? I don't know. All I know was that it was late December when it happened.

---December 27th---

I was in my normal routine of going to school, then going to see Will but this time was different... When I got to the hosptal I saw like- 20 doctors around Will's room and I knew what this was about... I ran into the room and it was time.. Will was gonna be dead in the next few minutes.. I sat next to Will and just held his hand, "I'm here." He smiled, "Mike.. Stay alive for me please. Don't ever leave because of what happened today or because i'm not here anymore.." I nodded and started to cry. "I'll see you when I die... I love you more than anything Will.. These past months have been so amazing and I couldn't have wished for a better boyfriend.." He coughed before he said, "You aren't seeing me anytime soon, okay?" I nodded and held him in my arms. I couldn't believe this was happening, "I love you Mike..." He said that as he coughed a few times before dying in my arms... "Will..." I got out.. I laid there with him just crying my eyes out. Nothing could have made me more sad...

---Weeks Later---

I'm so fucking done. He's gone and nothing makes sense anymore.. I can't do anything without him. I don't think I can live on.. This is my last goodbye! Well. I love you Will..
3rd person:

Mike grabbed some pills that he found around his room and he took all of them. There were none left in the bottle and he went to bed waking up in a very white place, "Will...?" Mike said as he felt arms around his waist. He then felt a slap, "Fucking hell Mike! I told you not to do anything!" Will said crying.

"You're going back. You can't leave this early." Will said hugging Mike, "But I don't wanna leave you!" Mike screamed, "I love you Mike." Then Mike was in a hospital bed back in the reality Will wanted him to spend time in. Mike smiled as he lived his life to the fullest dealing with a lot of shit like depression and suicide. But he's okay now.

A/N: Thats the end!! Holy shit my second story is finished!!! Omg I literally wanna cry<33 I think i'm either gonna do a y/n x someone or I could do a Rinney story (Robin Arellano x Finney Blake) But it's up to you guys<333 Also ty for almost getting me to 1k!! Istg you guys are so amazing<33 I love all of you so so much!! ALSO ONE OF MY FAVORITE AUTHORS ADDED MY STORY TO THEIR READING LIST OMG!!!! They make some rlly cool stories!!! Go follow them strangertings96 I love their books!!! Byeee<33

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