4-Back to school

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Wills POV:

I just got back home. Mike got dropped home by my mom. The house was pretty clean. The glass on the floor had been cleaned up. I went straight to my room and got into something that wasn't a hospital gown. I laid down with my mixtape and headphones. I put my headphones on and listened.

I ended up falling asleep. "Will- honey wake up." I woke up and saw my mom on the frame of my door. "What..?" She smiled and spoke, "You have to go to school today." I groaned and laid myself down dramatically. "Fuc- Sorry." Mom looked at me and shook her head. "Hurry up and get ready. We're leaving in 30."

I got up and got ready pretty quickly. I got my bag and went out to the car. "Let's go." I said getting into the car. She drove to school and as I got out I saw people staring and whispering. Probably because some rumor started because I was in the hospital. They probably think I tried to kill myself or some shit.

I walked into school and saw Mike by my locker? He saw me then ran away-? Anyways, I walked to my locker and I opened it. Something fell out and I picked it up. It was a note-A love note? I read it and noticed that I remembered one of the lines. Mike was standing at my locker.. HOLY SHIT!

I read it before I could overthink and it was signed with -Meet in the forest at the picnic table at lunch<3 Xoxo- There was no name but I didn't care! I'm pretty sure it was from Mike. I started jumping up and down then remembered I was at school. "Shit-" I said under my breath. Mike started to walk over to me with Max and Jane.

"Hey Will!" Max said as she hugged me. "Hey Max whats up?" She looked over to Jane and Jane nodded. I was confused but then Max came up to my ear. "I'm dating Jane!" I looked at her then back at Jane. She was on Mike's arm. "What about Mike?!" She shook her head. "He knows and he doesn't care. He plans on confessing to someone today."

She raised her eyebrows and I smiled. I mean everything added up right? I smiled even bigger as I looked at Mike who had been staring at me. "Mike-stop" Jane whispered to him. He looked away and I swear I could see some red on his face. Max took Jane's hand and led her away leaving me and Mike alone.

"Sooooo- you're confessing to someone?" He nodded. "I really like him and I wanna get with him and i'm like 90% sure he likes me back." I nodded. "He probably does." He smiled and so did I. "What's in your hand?" He pointed at my hand. I realized I had been still holding the note ever since I got it.

"A love note." He looked suprised, I could tell he was faking it though. "Who was it from?" I shook my head, "I don't know. They didn't sign it." He nodded. "Maybe they didn't want you to know who it was until you met them." I smiled, "How do you know they wanna meet?" He turned red. "Um-I just guessed!"

I chuckled, "Chill, it was a joke." He smiled, "Wanna walk to class together, we have biology together right?" Mike asks. I nod and I grab my stuff from my locker. We walk past Lucas and he joins us. "Mike! Who's this?" He nods his head over to me, "He's Will Byers, he's my best friend." Lucas nodded.

"That's cool." Mike nodded. I shake Lucas' hand as we're still walking. We stop by both Lucas' and Mike's locker on the way there. I see Max and Jane having fun and I wave at both of them. They wave back and I suddenly noticed everyone staring at me. "Mike,everyone's staring.." He looked at me and put his arm around me.

"It'll be okay. They'll get used to you being around me,okay?" I nodded as we kept walking. We saw Lucas stop. "Lucas what are you doing?" Mike said. We saw him staring at Max and Max was staring back. "C'mon loverboy we gotta get to class." Mike said dragging Lucas away. "She's cute. I wonder if she's single-"

I cut him off. "Sorry-she's not." He looked at me, "Is she dating you?!" I shook my head, "Ew. No, she's just my friend. We are not a thing." He nodded, "Okay- so then who is she dating?" Just as he said that Jane came running up. I looked at her for a while and Lucas got the hint. His eyes widened and he nodded.

My eyes went wide and I mouthed, 'You support us?' He nodded and mouthed back. 'Of course, i'm not a bitch' I smiled then I saw a boy getting picked on. I had seen him around before, I think his name was like Dustin or something like that. He was getting teased by none other then Troy Walsh.

I tapped Mike on the shoulder, "We have to help him." He nodded then we all walked over to the boys. "Hey Wheeler! Sinclair! Um-What are you guys doing with the freak?" I looked down not wanting to embarrass myself. "He's not a freak! Just because he doesn't beat up people and he's nice doesn't mean anything! He's really cool and he's my friend."

Troy laughed, "Holy shit Wheeler! You actually got me for a second!" He looked at Mike who had a serious expression on his face. "You-You're being serious! Holy shit. Sinclair-Hopper, don't tell me you guys are friends with this freak as well?" Jane and Lucas spoke up. "Actually we are."

Troy laughed, "You guys are fucking pathetic." I could tell Mike was getting mad. "He's probably turning you guys into some type of fairy or some shit! How much did you guys get paid to hang out with him?" He started to shove me. He shoved me so hard I fell on the ground and landed on my wrist.

"Lucas, Jane. Go help him while I take care of him." Lucas and Jane went over to Dustin as Troy was bent over on top of me. "You are a pathetic little fairy. You didn't deserve to be found when you were missing." He punched me and before I knew it I was back in there.. I was in the exact place where I went missing 4 years ago...

A/N: So I was actually pretty motivated for this one and next chapter you guys get to see some of what happened to Will (He wasn't stuck in the upside down) and how he went missing and stuff:) Also- This story is already almost at 100 reads! It's only been a few days and I know that it's not that much but it means a lot to me:) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and go follow my husband bc I said so>:) Bonks- <33 Have a great day/night or whatever<333

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