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     I popped a sweet treat in my mouth, Mihrimah flashing me a smile as she talked about her day with Rustem. I reach over and fix her headpiece as she started to change the subject,"Mother...how did you know you were with  a child?"

"What a strange thing to ask-- What is the mean of it? "I raised a brow.

"Just out of curiosity...But how did you know?"

Something wasn't sitting right with me. "Well..I felt sick, and couldn't stomach anything hardly...and when I had the midwife check me out, she had  told me I was pregnant. "I smiled at her, touching her cheek.

Mihrimah just smiled but as I looked at her carefully, I could tell something was bothering her but she wasn't willing to spill. "My sweet daughter..what is bothering you so much? You look distraught and it is not a good look on you. "

She shook her head, looking away. "My mind was distracted. That's all. I just wanted to know, since you would know more about it. "She smiled playfully.

I grinned at her." And what does that mean?"

"Nothing personal..just that you beared the Sultan many prince's. Just left me speechless on how you did it. "She smiled once more before getting up." I must visit someone, before the sun sets for the evening. "She bowed her head to me before she left the room.

I was curious now more than before. Who was ill? What did Mihrimah know?

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