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We sat in class bored as Sumbul tried to continue to  teach us the ways of a concubine. I hated it,:

-You weren't allowed to marry unless the damn Valide chose to marry you-

-You can't be with no other man than the princes, less, you will be banned from the palace and sold to another kingdom-

What kind of rules were they? I never heard of such things! It made me frustrated, and I was ready to walk out.

"Attention! Sultana Mahidevrian!" The guards voice boomed out.

I lowered my head and stood up, but damn me. My eyes looked up to see who she was, and it was another different Sultana. She didn't look happy, as Fatma was with her which made me uneasy.

"Sumbul, how many days do they have?" She asked curiously. She looked us all over and I dropped my eyes quickly. Sumbul looked st everyone as well before he spoke." They still have a good while, Sultana. Some still manners, while others are..getting there."

"Suggest to me the ones ready. I need two new concubines. "She wrinkled her nose. Sumbul looked us over before he came over, choosing Enma and another girl. My fear started to kick in as I realized I might not see Her again. I grabbed Enma's wrist out of being afraid that I would be alone. Enma could feel me, and just gave my hand a squeeze.

"Have them prepared and brought to my chamber. I will have work for them." Mahideverian turned and left, but Fatma smirked at me. She followed after her.

Enma looked to me quickly. "Try to breathe, Nemiah. It's only for a short amount of time probaly. Besides, she said it only to take care of the work then I'll be back. "Nigar came over and Enma straightened out. "Move. We have much to do." Nigar moved Enma with her and I could feel so much sadness filling my body.

By the time class ended, and we were heading back to the chamber, I had already let the tears pour down my face many times and tried not to seem weak, but it was hard. We were in line and silent before I heard the eruption of laughter, and none other than Fatma and another concubine. I couldn't escape them no matter how big the palace was.

Fatma stopped with the others and smirked as she watched us go by, before she called out." Look! Look how desperate they wish they could be us. "

Don't speak don't speak don't speak-

"How was the cell, Russian slave? Did you enjoy it? Animals like you belonged there anyways. "Fatma laughed.


I just smiled and looked at her, before slowly walking towards her. Sumbul snapped at me to get back into line, but I wasn't going to. "Russian slave? Is that all you can do? I've been called worse, so calling me that isnt going to affect me. But tell me--Fatma, is it?-- how long can you remain a favorite, before your beauty goes away and you are left, withering and old? I'm sure the prince wouldnt want you then."

Fatma's eyes flashed with anger as she spoke angrily. "I will always be beautiful and adored by my prince! You will die alone and never see your family again!"

"Is that so? What makes you think I can't be like you, Fatma? What makes you think I can't dress up, throw on some fancy jewels and perfume and seduce the prince as well? "I smiled innocently.

"Are you threatening me?" Fatma hissed, stepping closer as I could smell her strong perfume which made me nearly gag.

"Oh no, I would never do that. It's very unladylike. "I said sarcastically. I stepped back into line.

Fatma glared before she left with her other concubines. I was growing tired of dealing with her. I only been here for two days.

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