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I entered my grandmother's room, seeing she was accompanied by my Aunt Hatice. I smiled at them, as they gave me a smile back. "My Valide. Sultana. "I came over and kissed both of their hands before I stood tall. "You summoned me?"

"I did, exactly. Tell me about the new concubine you have, Mustafa. Is she Polite? Graceful? Sweet?" Valide studied me and I could tell she was talking about Nemiah.

"Well, she is as sharp as a thorn, but she is Graceful, along with..Sweet." I lingered a bit on the last word. Valide didn't notice.

"She was here in my presence, and she resembled none of those characteristics. Word has gone to me, that she has tried to hurt you? Is it true?"

"Well, my Valide-" I tried to explain but she continued to ramble.

"I knew it. The last thing we need is another Hurrem in the harm. She already has my lion cub under her damn spell." She said bitterly and I sighed for a brief moment.

"Where did you send her, My Valide?" I asked curiously, so I could find her myself.

"She will spend her last nights in the cell until my lion cub decides what to do with her. She isn't useful around here. "She fixed her dress.

I narrowed my eyes , before I spoke up clearly. "But she is MY concubine. I decide if she goes or stays. Father controls the Harem, yes, but the concubines will be punished how I see fit. " I turned and left the room, feeling the hate coming off of her.

It wasn't too long before I made it to the cells, hearing a soft voice sing as sweet as honey. I seen her in the cell, her head rested upon her knees, as I approached the bars. "A voice like that is sweet enough to call an angel. "

She looked at me, her eyes meeting mine as she stood up and took a step forward. "But I am not an angel, nor do I look like one. You're the reason im behind these. "She rested her small hand on the bars and I reached up slowly, my eyes still on hers.

"Technically, Nemiah, you got yourself into this mess when you hit me. That wasn't very nice either. "She spotted my hand and stepped away, eyeing me." Nemiah-"

"What is it do you want from me? I know you aren't here because of my best interest." Nemiah glared me down and I smiled at her.

"Oh? How do you know I'm not? I could simply be wanting to get to know you better?" I leaned on the bars this time.

Nemiah snorted, which made me surprised, and she turned her back to me." Do not play dumb with me, Sultan. You only wish to get to know me better in your chamber, no?" She smirked and I couldn't help but stare at her lips. "Its written on your face."

"Nemiah, let me remind you, it is by my hand that you live or die, and I'm choosing to spare you because you are a good soul. " she gave me a confused look and I kept on. "Come with me to my chamber, and I assure you I won't pressure you into anything you don't want. Just a simple talk." My eyes gazed into hers as I waited for her.

Nemiah bit her lip, my own lips parting as I wanted to taste them for myself, before she spoke up." Just talk? You won't try to harm me?" She took a step my way.

"Of course not. That's uncivilized and I've been raised to treat everyone fairly. "I smiled. I told the guard to unlock the door as he did, and Nemiah stepped out. "Have the guards escort you to the Hamem and wash up. Come to my room when you are finished." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a simple necklace that held a ruby in the end of it. Not big, but it was something I was planning to give away. "Wear this when you come to my room, so they know you have a right passage way." I reached my hand up to her cheek and she leaned away, her eyes narrowing before she took the necklace and left with the other guards.

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