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I tapped the side of my knee as I waited patiently to be taken out of my cell.  I ran my finger over the stone of the walls, until I heard a door slam and footsteps descending down. I got up and placed my hands together,  as a different man who could've been my height came to the door. "Have you decided to act right?" He asked me with a disapproving look.

I was willing to do whatever it took to get out of the cell of mine." Oh yes, I have. "I lied. The man eyed me before he snapped his fingers and the guards opened the door. Relief flooded through me as I followed him outside the cell and toward the clean air once again.

"May I ask, your name?" I spoke softly as I looked around me.

"My name be not important. Just be glad you are even allowed to step foot back into your chamber with the others." He snapped.

I huffed and followed after him until a deep voice rang out. "Sumbul! "I stopped walking and the man in front of me did as well, bowing to a young handsome male who approached us. His brown eyes were filled with annoyance as he spoke directly." Have you seen Our Sehzade? I need to see him. "

"My prince, I haven't seen him since he last visited his mother. "Sumbul's eyes flickered over to me.

Another prince? Made me wonder how many were in the Palace. I felt the Prince's eyes on me as well and I looked away. There was a moment of silence before he spoke. "Who is this, Sumbul?"

Sumbul just smiled but he tapped my arm, signaling me to talk. I didn't. He smiled through his teeth." This is one of our concubines in training, your royalness. "

"For who? Mustafa?" He asked curiously as he took a step near me. He reached over as his hand touched my cheek and I shivered. Not in a good way.

"For both of you, my prince. Your father bought these slaves for your enjoyment. She was currently in the cell for disrespecting one of the fellow Concubines and your brother Mustafa."

The males eyes danced with amusement. "Is that true? "He looked to me. "What is your name?"

I stayed silent once more and Sumbul grew frustrated with me, grabbing me by the upper arm. "Why you-answer your prince!"

"Sumbul!" The male hushed him." I do not need backup. Less I already get mother to try to talk for me all the time."he looked to me." I hope you find everything good here. It is a good place." He turned and left, his guards following.

Sumbul growled at me." You were disrespectful once again! Not bowing your head when expected, not answering the prince, not obeying your care taker!" He grabbed my arm again, leading me back to the chamber.


I brushed my hair thoroughly as I sat on the edge of the bed, my mind running on everything. Enma came over and smiled before she straightened her dress." How are you doing today?"

"The usual-hating every moment we spend here but I'm fine."I finished brushing my hair and set the brush away.

"Well, maybe once I tell you this, you'll be excited. I just got word, that two Sultanas are looking for new concubines for help. Especially the quite taller Sultana. She is pregnant I hear. "

The doors open and guards came inward with our food, setting it down on the tables. I felt my stomach grumble and went over, sitting cross legged on the floor by the other concubines as we ate happily the sweet delicious food. I had to remember my manners, less Sumbul scolded me as well but to hell with them all. I licked the sweet juice off my fingers and earned disapproving looks from the favorites across the room, but I didn't care. I was starving.

"Look, theres that woman I mentioned earlier." Enma whispered, pointing to the red haired sultana. She was talking to other royal members but they didnt look happy, and she sat by herself at another end. It almost made me sad for her.


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