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"I hope he picks me!"

"I hope I'm picked!"

"Can you imagine becoming the Sultan's favorite? Must be amazing. I hear you get to do whatever you want!"

              I rolled my eyes as I helped one Concubine of my Sultana's get prepared for their festivities, running my fingers through her hair to make sure no knots were in sight. "Ladies, if I were you, I would keep quiet and worry more about your dancing. If one messes up, then the rest of you will fall!" I got up and set the brush on the table before I looked at the others

"Oh you! You keep bossing us around as though you are higher than us!" Lydia huffed, as she checked her dress over.

I sighed, shaking my head lightly. "I am not higher than any of you. It's just you're putting your Hope's on something that isn't true. Those princes? They're just two guys waiting to get in bed with the prettiest concubine they see." I murmured the last part, due to not really wanting my head to be cut off or anything.

The sound of footsteps approached and the doors opened, Nigar smiling as she stepped into the room. I had found out recently she was the Treasure here at the palace. If I could get a position like hers, I'd choose it over being a concubine any day. I'm not someone's doll." Nigar." I curtised. "They are ready for the entertainment tonight."

Sumbul came in moments later and was ushering the women out of the room, hissing for Nigar to follow. Nigar sighed and waved him off. "He is such a pain sometimes. But my question is, why aren't you joining them? You know both princes are expecting you to be along them." She gave me a smirk and left the room.

I blinked, watching her leave before I grabbed my book and left the room, going to my den where I stayed. I could hear the music playing in the distance as I drew near to the room, my feet stopping by the door. I couldnt help but peek as I watched the girls dance. They were good, but I guess not good enough, since the Prince's just joked with other, whispering and pointing fingers. I noticed Mustafa was looking around. I know it couldnt be for Fatma, since she was to the side with the favorites, trying to get his attention if she could.

His eyes locked on mine and I  squeaked, hurrying down the hall as I tried to ignore the fact that he caught me looking. I wasn't breaking the law or anything--did I? No, I didn't. You can't get sent to the cells for looking st a royalty member. Surely not..

Oh Allah help me.

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