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"I'm already busy preparing Hurrem's festivities, now Sultana Mahidevran wants one too? "Sumbul glared at me and I frowned.

"How is it my fault? They're both so desperate to become this Valide lady which is stupid in my opinion. "I flattened my dress out." Anyways, you have to pick the concubines out and have them prepared for tonight. "I turned to leave but Sumbul grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Don't think you're leaving me alone to do this! You will help me find Concubines for this! "He pulled me alongside of him and I sighed heavily, following anyways.

When we got to the room, I could see all the Concubines chattering excitedly til they seen us and got up. I glanced around at the others. "This is ridiculous--you three and you will go wash up in the Hamam. You will entertain the prince tonight and whoever is lucky, will get to sleep with him." That sounded so horrible but it was the plain truth.

One of the concubines gave me a look of disbelief. "There's no use. Fatma won't allow anyone near Mustafa unless they have a death wish. She's so obsessive." The others agreed.

"Don't tell me you're scared of that snake? She's human just like the rest of you!" I scoffed.

"Oh really? And you aren't afraid of her? Then why don't you dance for Mustafa? Tonight. Prove that you aren't scared as well?" One of them smirked.

"I'll pass. I don't dance for anyone." I shook my head.

"Not even for me?" A voice spoke from behind me and I jumped, spinning around and seeing Prince Mehmet. I froze for a moment.

"Sorry, but I'm not looking into sleeping with anyone soon because I barely know any of you." I was being honest.

Mehmet's eyes stared me down." Who said sleeping? How do you know it's not just a date?"


"But you wouldnt know that because of the rumours that fly around the castle. "He sighed. "But the others are right, you should dance with them. It would be entertaining to watch." His eyes traveled down where my eyes weren't and I snapped my fingers.

"Please. Every word you speak is nothing but dirt to me. You fail at  lying and I know that it isnt just a date. Try harder." I left him there as I hurried out of the room and back to my Sultana to deliver the news I had done what she wanted.

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