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《WARNING: There is use of Violence, Language, and Bullying. If you do not prefer it, do not read! I do not follow the series and I change things to how I like it <3.


My fingers played with the fabric of my dress as my eyes skimmed across the pages of my book. I wanted to know whom the princes chose, to know who had met their needs. I heard chatter outside of my room and I quickly set my book to the side, and hurried to the door to listen quietly..

"..Lucky girl. Can't believe she got picked."

"I know. I was dressed more than she was! She wasn't even part of our group. "

"If you ask me, she looks more like a low maid than a concubine. If I were Sultana, I would have gotten rid of her already. "

Who were they talking about? Couldn't be me, could it? Did Mustafa really see me? My heart thumped loudly in my chest as I went to sit back down. The suspense was killing me to know who had gotten chosen. I had tried my best to make everyone look decent and like a concubine should, but I knew I wasn't no expert.


The morning had came and I had gotten around to take a stroll in the garden. The conversation wasn't about me, but my dear friend, who I had came here with. She was chosen by Prince Mehmet, son of Hurrem. Prince Mustafa had chosen no one, and Fatma was still as crazy as ever.

I was glad I didn't have to be part of the group. I didn't want to be on display for everyone. I went to tale a turn, until my feet stopped me, my arm grabbed by something. I started to scream til a hand covered my mouth. It was Mustafa himself. I yanked my arm away and spit on the ground. "For a Prince, you sure have no manners. You know Mahidevran would scowl at you!"

Mustafa didn't look moved by my statement as he shrugged. "She is my mother, but she doesn't control what I do all the time. "He settled his arms behind his back as he begun walking ahead of me, expecting me to follow.

If I were any other person, I'd follow. But I'm not. I'm me. I turned and went toward the direction I was originally going but I heard his footsteps and sighed in defeat. "There's no possibility that I can shake you, is there?"

"None in the slightest. Now, tell me, did you enjoy my entertainment last night? I mean, you were lurking in the doorway of the room."

I blushed madly as I realised he had seen me indeed. I looked away to the flowers on my left as Prince Mustafa joined me on my walk. "Why would I enjoy it? It isn't mine to enjoy, Prince."

"Indeed. But as I watched the concubines, I kept asking myself how come you didn't join them? Does it displease you, how they dance?"

Wait, why are we talking about me right now?

"I'm sorry, your highness, but what has all this got to do with me?" I stopped in my tracks, my eyes meeting his once again.

"Oh Nothing." Mustafa flashed me his casual smile. "Tonight, I am having dinner with my father, to conduct a farewell party when we leave on our campaign. Shall I see you there?" He asked me curiously.

I blinked at him, looking around before looking back to him." Of course not. That's for Royal family members only."

Mustafa reached into his pocket and pulled out a red silk handkerchief." Indeed, but it also for the favorites as well and other special guests who attend." He offered the material to me." Bring this everywhere you go, itll grant you access to most of the rooms in the palace. "

I took it and ran my fingers over it, tilting my head. I heard him move and
Looked up, watching him leave completely.


After some time, I went back to the palace and walked to my room until I seen Fatma with her followers, dressed in her finest robes. I don't understand why they needed so much jewels on themselves. I tried to pass them but she didn't want me to leave so easily.

"Fatma called out, a smirk on her lips. "You seem to be lost, pig. Whats the rush?"

Did she just-- no, no, just smile. You can't afford no trouble.

"Evening, Fatma. You look very beautiful. "I said calmly. I tried to keep my poise but it was hard with her!

"I know I do, but you should worry about yourself!  "Fatma put a finger on her lips until she froze, her eyes on something else." What is that. What is that in your hand!" She snapped.

I frowned and held it up, showing the handkerchief. "Its just a piece of material, Fatma. Nothing special."

Fatma snatched it out of my hand and my heart dropped." Of course its nothing special to you, you ugly little wench!" She held it away from me.

"Fatma, stop it, give it back!" I reached to take it but she held her hand out and stopped me.

"Or what? What will you do! If you touch me, you will be beheaded!" Fatma smirked again. "I am Mustafa's favorite, and you are nothing. Look at you. Your ears are too big, your eyes are too far apart, and you're too hideous for him!"

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just walk away and let myself feel downgraded because of her. "Actually,  you are nothing. "I smiled innocently. "Because unlike you, I'm not a bitch from hell, who likes to ruin everyones lives. And if you don't hand my handkerchief back, I'll make sure you regret stepping in my path."

Fatma lost her smirk as she came toward me, her eyes showing the true evil that she was capable of. She raised her hand and without hesitation it collided with my cheek.

I felt the stinging on my face as I was trying to reprocess my thoughts. I held my cheek for a moment, going to raise my hand to hit her when a voice boomed out. "NEMIAH!"

I froze and turned around, seeing Mahidevran. My blood ran cold and I could barely speak, knowing how the situation would look. "My Sultana-"

"Shut it." She snapped, going to Fatma as she pulled her to her side. "What is the meaning of this?"

Fatma started to sniffle and held her--MY handkerchief to her chest. "I was talking to Nema about how excited I was to be given this handkerchief by Mustafa. I was showing her how much He loved me, but she got violent and tried to hurt me!"

"That's not true, Sultana! That stupid piece of material was given to me by the prince in the garden! He was-"

"In the garden?" Mahidevran asked curiously. "And may I ask why you were there? You were due to be helping Nigar hand out the coins to the other concubines. "

I knew I was in deep trouble. I couldn't help but blurt more again." I don't want to do it! I want to have free time to myself! All I ever do is work for you, and I never even get to eat by myself, let alone sleep!" I felt my anger building up but I couldn't surpress it much longer. "Is it too much to ask for to have free time for myself?"

"How dare you talk to our Sultana like that, you little bitch." Fatma growled.

"Language, Fatma, or I'll have your tongue cut out." Mahidevran said angrily but she tried to keep a calmed expression.

I waited for her to hit me, for something to happen big time, but she just smiled at me and took a step near. "If I were you, I would enjoy your time here at the palace. You will not be here much longer. You will help the dinner be set tonight, and afterwards, you will pack your things and be prepared to be married off soon.

What. The. Fuck.


I know it's a bit jumbled but I'll try to make it make sense later.

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