~chapter 26~

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Me and will made are way back to my apartment to watch a movie. I got us some snacks and we both sat down to pick a movie. I let wilbur choose and he chose some horror movie.

"Really you know I hate them? " I said.

"I know I just want you to cuddle me when the scary bits happen" Will said smiling.

"Oh shut up and watch it" I laughed as the movie started.

Let's just say we didn't need the scary bits to cuddle. As the second it started we were hugging on my sofa with a cozy blanket, eating snacks. Will leaned over into my ear as I was watching the movie and whispered.....

"I really like you Cassie"

I turned around and blushed. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"I really like you too Mr gold"

"Shut up" he said laughing pushing me away.

I laughed and spoke...


"So what?" Will asked.

"Well we both like each other?"

"Yeah?" He said smiling getting at what I was hinting.

"And were both single?"

"Not for long" he said as he gently grabbed my chin lightly kissing me again.

It lasted for a while before we pulled away and I spoke up...

"So Mr William gold will you do the honors of being my boyfriend?"

He smiled and pushed his head under the blanket. He mumbled....


"Sorry I can't hear you what was that" I laughed. I knew he was embarrassed.

He pulled him head out from under the blanket and looked at me.

" I'd love to be your boyfriend Cassie"

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