~chapter 10~

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The day was now Thursday and the stream with will was tomorrow. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I mean it's just a stream Cassie calm down. Ugh but it's not just a stream I also get to hang out with will again!

Suddenly I got a text.

Wilbursoap: good morning Cassie! Remember I said I'd add you too that group chat well is it ok if I do it now?

  Smellycass: morning will of course that's ok! 

the sex havers (and George)

Wilbursoap: hey I just added Cassie to the group!

(810) 540-2984:  CASSIE!!!!

(806) 409-2438: hey Cassie! 

(777) 849-1991: sup cassie!

(843) 425-6406: WOMAN

(796) 274-3411: hey Cass

Cassie: hey guys can you tell me your names so I can save your numbers?!

Karlos: it's Karl!!!

Pretty niki: niki <3

Auto tune man: quackity!

Snapchat: sapnap!

Big man innit: big man Tommy

Georges bf: dream :)

GOGY: George :]

Wilbursoap: so Cassie the stream is tomorrow at 7pm and we're playing jackbox :)

Cassie: I've played that game before it's fun! And I'm free for 7pm but guys I gtg for now but I'll see you tomorrow.

Everyone said there goodbyes but I wanted to thank will for adding me to the group so I texted him.....


Smellycass: hey will thanks for adding me to the group!

Wilbursoap: no problem I'll see you later cassie :)

As I was texting my response my cat made a loud noice and I jumped. As I jumped my message to will sent and when I looked down I saw it said this....

                Smellycass: bye will x

Oh shit! I tried to delete the message but he'd already seen it. I watched as he started typing and stopping. Finally he sent a message back and it read....

Wilbursoap: bye Cassie x

um mission failed successfully?

twitch lovers~wilbur sootOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant