~chapter 11~

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Me and Wilbur were already in a vc waiting for everyone else to join the stream. We had been talking for hours before that anyway. Will told me that quackity, Technoblade, Karl, dream, sapnap and jschlatt would be playing with us. I haven't met schlatt or technoblade yet but will told me they were really funny.

Soon enough everyone had joined and I got talking to techno first after I said my hellos to the others. Techno was really funny as Wilbur said he would be and kept ranting about orphans under his breath, which saw super hilarious. I met schlatt after and he told me to call him big guy and me and him joked about until we had to start the game.

We hid the code until everyone was in and started naming ourselfs. Everyones name was just there YouTube channel name until I saw someone was called virgin. 

"Whos the fucks virgin?" Schlatt asks laughing hysterically .

" I am virgin boy" Wilbur speaks up trying not to laugh.

The call erupts with laughter and I instantly knew this would be a great stream.The game we played first was quip-lash. The very first question was a little-known fact Da Vinci liked to draw a little something somewhere in his painting? What we had to do was fill in the word with our own word and the person with the best answer would win. Me having 12 year old humour typed in my answer and waited until it came on screen.

The words cock and beans showed up on screen and people started laughing. Well if you couldn't tell I wrote the first one. People voted and we found out who wrote the answers. It was me and Karl and I won!

We played jackbox for 2 more hours and it was the most fun I've had in a while. 9/11 jokes where made to piss schlatt off, quackity being made fun of for being short, techno making jokes on killing orphans and everyone of us laughing just made it even better.

I said good bye to everyone and my stream and texted Wilbur to say thanks for letting me join. He didn't answer so I thought he was busy.I might go do something else I thought.

After the stream was over i decided that I wanted to paint something.Hm what should I paint I thought as I put my headphones on my head and listened to music.

I took out my paints and started painting on the blank canvas. I relaxed and started painting and all I could hear was the song cause for concern playing through my ears. Wilburs song from his band love joy right? Then love joy is now definitely my favourite band.

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