~chapter 16~

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I was up all night thinking about will wondering if I did like him or maybe he likes me back? Wait no Cassie you don't like will. Jesus I'm having an argument with myself whats wrong with me?

Our "date" is in 30 minutes and I'm waiting for will to call me. I'm really excited for it. Will said he was planning things but didn't tell me what exactly his plans was. He just told me to join his minecraft world when he was done. The next thing I heard was will calling me then I joined the VC.

"Hey cassie I'm streaming in a few seconds, I'm just going to deafen for a while to speak to chat"

"That's ok will take your time"

I was streaming aswell and already was talking to chat so I was just waiting for will. A few minutes later he was back and we started the stream. He joined the world and so did i. I saw that he wasn't wearing his original skin but it was replaced with a suit.

"Why hello cassie" he spoke.

"Hello will your back finally" I replied.

"Yes I am and I'm also very prepared for our date"

"I can see that will" I said laughing as he was twirling around in circles showing off his new suit.

"Well we should start the date. I should take you there" will spoke.

Me and will started the journey to our date. I spotted a waterfall with a bunch of flowers around it when we got there. Wilbur picked a few flowers and give them to me saying...

"Here you are pretty lady"

That made me blush.


"Thank you my good sir"I replied still flustered.

Will said to follow him and started swimming up the waterfall. I followed him to the top of the mountain and saw a little picnic made with two chairs and a table with a little built restaurant.

"Oh my god this is so cool will you built this?"

"Yes I did for you cassie"

"Thank you it's amazing really will"

Wilbur told me to sit down and then went into the restaurant. He came out a few seconds later and out followed Tommy and tubbo in suits. I laughed as tommy cleared his throat and started talking...

"Well good evening sir and Madame welcome to our restaurant. Your a lovely looking couple. What drinks can we get started for you today?"

"TOMMY"wilbur shouted at him.

" oh no" tubbo spoke up.


He knew what he was saying when he called us a couple. I laughed hard when wilbur and tom started arguing. I then managed to get out of my seat to talk to toby.

"Hey pssstt tubbo"


"Can you bring me and wilbur out water?"


"And bring out a flower pot and a yellow flower please"

"Does it have to be yellow?"

"Yes its his favorite colour thank you toby"

"Ok cassie not a problem"

I moved back into my seat and shortly after tubbo came out of the restaurant, making tommy and will stop arguing. Tubbo gave me and wilbur water and then placed down the plant pot on the table. He put the yellow flower in the pot and left without saying a word. Tommy followed him shouting at him that it was his job and tubbo replied cassie asked me to.

"You asked tubbo to get the water?" Will asked

"Yep and even remembered to ask him to get your favourite flower too I know you love them"

He went silent...

"thank you... cassie"

Did I embarrass him?

"Not a problem will" I responded still confused. Then Tommy came out and took our order for food.

The rest of our date went really amazing. Well aside for Toby ligthing the restaurant on fire by an accident but anyway it was still really fun. Me and will ended stream and thanked Tommy and tubbo. They left shortly after and me and will talked for a little while longer.

"Well that was eventful" wilbur says laughing.

"I thought it was really amazing"I replied.

" yeah me too"he replied smiling.

We talked for a while longer before saying goodbye and once I left I had never felt happier than this right moment.

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