The Third Floor

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I shifted my shoulder and rubbed the joint. My fingers crept towards the scars.

"Sore?" Asund inquired. He seemed absolutely no worse for wear after the previous evening. His hair, wet from a bath, clung to him in ashen-gray curls.


"Was it the sex or getting thrown around at Soir's?"

The broad muscles running down the back of my thighs still felt trembly and tired and very sore from being bent into an assortment of positions. And my privates were chafed and still swollen--Ormiss had made good on the threat that once for each of them wasn't going to be enough. I picked at my big scar. It ached deep inside and when I pulled at it, it felt... odd.


"Oh, tired," I said. "There's one of me and three of you, and you all wanted to go twice."

"We wanted more than that." He smiled and kissed me, slow and savoring me. My ravaged body responded anyway, and heat coiled in my belly while my swollen bits got dampened all over. Asund's tongue toyed with mine, light and airy, and the jerk was just teasing me, and he knew it.

"How can you still--?" I couldn't get out the rest of the words. Too breathless.

He glanced down at the swelling shaft lifting his pants. "It's been at least three hours. Do you need some more attention? I think you might, considering the scent from between your thighs right now."

"It should just smell ravaged." A flush crept over my cheeks.

"It does. It also smells like wanton need. Would you prefer to line all of us up and have your choice?" His gray eyes flickered with wickedness.

"Why don't you go see if Itek or Ormiss will amuse you? I need to go see Korr and Ethat."

He picked up my right hand and flipped it over. In the middle of my palm was the puncture mark from Ethat's tooth. It had a thin crust on it. Asund asked, "Does it hurt?"

"No. Looks like it's going to heal quickly." I pulled it out of his grip and returned to feeling along my shoulder. It did ache. A dull, bone-deep aching occasionally pierced by something sharp and metallic. Asund had just bothered to put on some pants so far, and the day already promised to be hot, with the air coming through the windows carrying a suffocating heat, and it was barely past dawn. But it was all Asund's scars that held my attention.

Wolves didn't tend to scar, but Asund had more than his share, and Ormiss' whip, while he'd healed quickly as wolves did, had left deep, cruel scars where the cursed thing had flayed him especially deep.

"Do they hurt?" I asked him.

"Some do," he said. "But they don't bother me. Something is bothering you? Besides worrying about Korr. Last night?"

The previous evening had been... wonderful, but terrifying too, and it'd been like I'd been fighting my body the entire time. It felt like there'd been layers of me, and some of those parts of me had wanted nothing to do with what had been happening. I needed some time to think about it. Definitely didn't want to say anything stupid... again.

Asund, in true wolf fashion, didn't let the thread drop. "I know there were moments last night that...not frightened, but... perhaps that is the right word. I could smell it. I'm fairly sure Ormiss sensed it. Itek saw it in your neck."

"I don't know, maybe. I can't think about it right now, and I'm not ready to talk about it. But no one made me do something I didn't want to do, and I'm glad we all ignored it."

"Fair enough." He gave me a brief, gentle hug and caressed my messy hair.

"I need to go see Korr and Ethat." I at least owed them a first-thing-in-the-morning kiss so they knew I hadn't flitted off like they didn't matter.

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