Injustice Pt. 2

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"Now for the finale of the universe where Izuku became a dictator, so I'm not bringing the kids back. I told you about this before. After he killed Shigaraki, Izuku started up a dictatorial government known as the Regime, also known as The One Earth Government. Most of you joined, even some villains did. And Iida had formed a rebellion called The Insurgency. After five years, Izuku almost captured them, but then Iida, with the help of Melissa, was able to summon alternate variants of himself, Tsu, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Kirishima from another universe who weren't dead or evil. Iida needed them because he had a weapon stored in his base designed to weaken Izuku, but it could only be unlocked with his, Bakugo's, Tsu's, Todoroki's, and Kirishima's hand prints. But then Melissa was the one who ended up using the weapon, but things didn't go as planned. You see, Izuku didn't know Melissa was helping the Insurgency. She had been creating weapons and gear for the Regime for the last five years, but was, in truth, against Izuku and his ideals, so she was secretly helping Iida and funding the Insurgency. She wore a mech suit, attached the weapon to it, and was about to fire the blast at Izuku, but then Aoyama, who was a part of the Regime, blasted her with his naval beam, causing her to be weakened... then Izuku strangled her to death" said Luke.

People gasped.

"But Izuku was so focused on killing Melissa because of her betrayal, that he didn't notice it was all being broadcasted on live TV. Now the whole world saw Izuku for the monster he was, and they feared and hated him. After that, Izuku decided to instill fear in them all by having his forces destroy Musutafu, which was eventually rebuilt after Shigaraki destroyed it, and Hosu, he also said he was going to destroy the universe where the other Bakugo, Tsu, Todoroki, and Kirishima were from. Aoyama thought this was all wrong and tried to talk some sense into Izuku, but when he brought up Ochako and how it's not what she would have wanted, Izuku impaled him through the stomach with Blackwhip, ending his life. After that, Momo, who was also a member of the Regime, had also realized Izuku had gone too far and was gonna leave, but not before fighting Todoroki, who was yet another Regime member. She then escaped and told Iida and the Insurgency what Izuku and his forces were about to do, and now we're gonna see what happens next" said Luke.

It began with an entire army of evil looking soldiers and tanks going through the streets of Musutafu and destroying things. Muscular was also there and going on a rampage while wearing some sort of high-tech collar.

"Izuku has Muscular under mind control thanks to the collar around his neck" said Luke.

Muscular headbutt a building, causing it to fall and knock other buildings over like dominoes. It then showed Izuku flying above a bridge that had tons of cars with people in them trying to get out of the city, he was also wearing a much more darker and intimidating version of his costume. He aimed his arm at the bottom of the bridge and flicked his fingers, sending a shockwave that caused the bridge to collapse, killing hundreds. He smiled sinisterly.

"Midoriya's an absolute monster in this" said Todoroki in disbelief.

"I know. In the beginning, Izuku really tried to keep being a hero, even after losing Ochako and his kids. He still killed villains, but tried to do it not as brutally as he did with Shigaraki. But as time went on, he became more obsessed with order and control instead of peace" said Luke.

They had seen universes where Izuku was evil before, but never did they see him mindlessly kill so many innocent people.

It then cut to Hosu with Izuku's soldiers fighting a group of soldiers that had an 'S' as their symbol, which they bared on the shoulders of their uniforms.

"The good soldiers are the ones that defected from the Regime to avenge Melissa. The S stands for her last name" said Luke.

Dabi, who was wearing what looked like a general uniform of some sort, was overlooking the battle between the two groups of soldiers.

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