Vigilante Deku

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"Ok this next one is a simple one. But I'm gonna send Eri and Kota to the kids room again" said Luke snapping his fingers.

"What's it about?" asked Aizawa, "You'll just have to wait and see" said Luke as he pulled out his remote and pressed a button.

It showed Eri running away from Overhaul through an alleyway.

"Oh god not this again" said Izuku.

Eri kept running when suddenly, she ran into Izuku, who was wearing a outfit different than the normal one. (He looks like the one in the picture at the top)

"Whoa. What's with the darker looking Deku?" asked Ochako, "Keep watching and you'll see" said Luke.

"Kid what's wrong?" asked Izuku as he noticed all the bandages Eri had on her arms.

"Sorry about my daughter. She keeps hurting herself" said Overhaul.

"You honestly expect me to believe that?" said Izuku as he pulled out a katana.

"I'm confused. Why does this Midoriya have a sword?" asked Iida, "I said keep watching" said Luke.

Overhaul was about to take off his glove, "Kid look away" said Izuku. As soon as Overhaul had fully taken his glove off, Izuku charged at him with One For All and stabbed him through the chest with his katana before he could react.

"JESUS CHRIST!!!" said everyone. Overhaul, who was too injured and beaten up to speak, could only look in horror as he watched his alternate counterpart die.

"Well I can't say he didn't deserve it" said Mirio. Everyone, minus Overhaul, nodded in agreement.

Izuku pulled the katana out of Overhaul's chest and he collapsed onto the ground, dead as a door nail. After that Izuku sheathed his katana and walked over to Eri and put his arms around her.

"It's ok, kid. He can't hurt you anymore" said Izuku as he comforted Eri.

"Th-th-thank you" said Eri as she buried her face into Izuku's chest.

"Awww that's so sweet" said Ochako.

"What's your name, kid?" asked Izuku.

"E-E-Eri" said Eri.

"Well Eri you're safe now. That man won't be able to hurt you ever again" said Izuku.

"Stop right there, villain" said a voice, Izuku looked up to see Mirio there.

"Oh it's me!" said Mirio.

"Release the child at once" said Mirio.

"Calm down I was protecting her from that guy" said Izuku pointing to Overhaul's corpse with his thumb.

"He- he's telling the truth. He saved me from than man" said Eri.

"Alright but you're still under arrest. I know who you are. You're that vigilante who's been causing trouble lately" said Mirio.

"Midoriya's a vigilante?!" said Iida, "Yeah" said Luke, "But why?" asked Ochako.

"Well here's the full story" said Luke as he stood in front of the entire audience. "Now what I'm about to tell you all must remain completely confidential, just like One For All. The only people who know about this are Class 1-A, the teachers, and a few others. If you tell anyone about this, I'll find where you live and light you on fire. But anyway, when Bakugo was kidnapped by the League of Villains, it wasn't exactly the pros who rescued him, it was Izuku, Kirishima, Todoroki, Momo, and Iida. They went a-wall and went to go save him. They felt like it was something they needed to do, even though they were technically breaking the law. They were hiding behind what was left of a wall during All Might's fight with All For One in disguises. They only intervened with the situation when Bakugo was in serious danger and they needed to get him out of there. And if they hadn't gone to rescue him then the League would've still had him as their prisoner. Trust me, I know, I checked. I went to universes where they didn't go to rescue Bakugo and he suffered horribly" explained Luke.

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