小婷 Ending

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ㅡHey Kep1ans!!

We shouted to the delirious fans. We were so happy to do our first concert so we did our best. We were very tired of all the efforts but now was the time to talk to Kep1ians and we wanted to profit of our face to face time with them.

All the members talked a bit, telling them some funny memories we have together.

ㅡNow let's let Y/nnie talk.

I was planing what I will say for months. I was busy thinking about how to confess to my unnie when this idea came in my mind. What if I just confess in a concert, in front of everyone?

ㅡHey Kep1ians! How are you?

They responded soft "네" to say that they were fine. Some of them waved their placards. "We love you Y/n" "Y/n is my bias" "First half European-American idol, we love you". I was happy to see it. Other fans had funny pictures and memes of me and the members that made me laugh.

My smile grownd when I saw a picture of me and unnie, decorated by a cute typographie "Xiaoy/n" wich is unnie's and I ship.

ㅡToday is a very important day. This is our first concert and I'm so proud of you and us for everything we did. But today is a more important day for me...

Kep1ians were curious, the members too.

ㅡI wanted to tell her something. I don't know if you will support me but I do not care. Maybe I will be in trouble because of that, maybe you'll hate me, maybe I will be quicked out of Kep1er, but I do not care.

Yes, that was that deep. I wasn't just confessing, I was also doing a coming out. I was already hated to be a 0% asian Kpop Idol, what if now they know I'm lesbian?

But at that time I just wanted her to know. I wanted her to know that she is the one I love.

ㅡWe were just random trainees in a survival show and we ended here. We didn't know each other and now we are the 10 best friends in the world. But...we should be 9. If I did nothing, unnie should have been still a trainee. I actually didn't know why I did that. I think she just matters to me. But recently, I really understood why.

I took a deep breath.

ㅡI love her. I love Shen Xiaoting unnie. Not as a friend. As a lover.

The members looked at me, proud, like if they already understood that she was the girl I love. Xiaoting unnie and Kep1ians looked surprised.

I saw people leaving, people yelling insult to me but I didn't care.

I looked at Xiaoting unnie's eyes.

Kep1ians shouted "A kiss! A kiss!"

I didn't know what Xiaoting unnie was going to do. Sure, the members told me that they liked me but that was month ago. What if she passed to something else?

Xiaoting unnie approched as I was more and more stressed.

She stopped in front of me. She grabbed my chin and placed it in front of hers. She rapproched our faces and close the gap between us.

I kissed her back. After 30 seconds, we stopped the kiss. The members and Kep1ians applauded us.

I was very shy and I blushed but I was still stressed about if Kep1ans, the agency, managers, idols and every Kpop stan will accept us.

Xiaoting unnie took my hand and squeezed it to destress me.

"이제 누가 레즈비언 아이돌
샤오팅과 Y/n인지 세상에 알려라"

Now, let the world know who are Xiaoting and Y/n, the lesbian idols.

Now, let the world know who are Xiaoting and Y/n, the lesbian idols

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