舞白 Ending

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It's 3 a.m and I still can't sleep. My mind don't want to stop thinking about her.

I stood up to schearch something to eat in the kitchen. When I got out of the room, I saw that there were already a light on in the kitchen. Who can be awake at that time?

I walked to the kitchen and saw...her.

ㅡWhat are you doing here Y/n?

ㅡI can not sleep, and you unnie?


I sat in front of her.

ㅡDo you want to eat something? I was eating an ice cream, do you want one?


She grabee an ice cream and handed it to me.

ㅡThanks unnie...

ㅡYou look stressed Y/n

ㅡI...I am not

She then asked me from nowhere

ㅡDo you know who you love? Did you choose?


ㅡReally? You choose Dayeon right? I understand, she's pre-

She said that with a sad face.

ㅡI don't love her.

ㅡOh, I thought. So...who do you like?

ㅡHmm...guess by yourself.

ㅡIs she your unnie?


ㅡIt means it's between Chaehyun, Xiaoting and Yujin unnie.

She didn't put her in the list. Mashiro unnie is someone very humble, too much sometimes. She belitle herself often and she thinks she can't do things that she always do perfectly.

ㅡIs she korean?

ㅡShe isn't.

ㅡReally? Xiaoting? Ahhh, I understand, you look great tog-

ㅡI don't love Xiaoting unnie, unnie.

ㅡYou mean...?

ㅡI love you unnie.

She sundelly smiled. She tried to hide her big smile but she didn't suceed.



ㅡI love you too...Can...can I be your girlfriend?

I didn't reply. I just stood up and put a light kiss on her lips.

We looked at each other, shy, but not breaking our eyes contact.

ㅡI will love you forever Y/n.

"무엇보다 언니를 사랑할게"

I will love you more than everything unnie

I will love you more than everything unnie

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