Chapter 18

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Yeo Jingoo

All the trainees and members were surprised and didn't understand why I said that.

ㅡXiaoting unnie has made incredible efforts to get this far. She is 23 years old. If she doesn't debut with Kep1er, she won't be able to debut anywhere else, she would be considered 'too old'. I'm 18 years old. I still have some time to start. I want to make way for Xiaoting unnie.

Xiaoting unnie looked at me, with a look that I could never forget.

Sunmi unnie and Tiffany unnie were on the side. They got up to join the stage.

ㅡWe can't let our most talented trainee go!

ㅡIt will be Xiaoting unnie AND me or nothing.

ㅡWhy are the most talented trainees the most tiring?

I realize that I sounded very selfish. But it was really close to my heart. I really wanted her to start.

Tiffany unnie went to find someone. She came back with the director.

Yeo Jingoo
ㅡDear viewers, here is the director!

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