One Man's Junk For His Daughter

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The turtles and Lizzie set up a fake store called 'Mystic Metal Merchants'

Raph: I don't know about this plan. If we want to find the last pieces of the dark armor shouldn't we be out there chasing down rumors and shaky leads?

Lizzie: I know I good museums in the hidden city that might have a piece of the dark armor!

Donnie: that will be plan B and It's called crowd sourcing Raph. Why bust our own humps

Mikey: When there are thousands of yokai in the city who can bust their humps for us? They slap their scraps to us and we just chilax here and see if it is part of the dark armor!

Leo: Okay I do like the laziness angle but I'm not taking sides yet. What about you Liz?

Lizzie: I guess we can try it this way first

A man opened the door holding a box

Mikey: Ooh a cellar! See what happens when you give our ideas a change Raph?

The man opened the box but there was just a fidget spinner inside

Lizzie: is that even close to what we're looking for?

Donnie: Excuse me we are a reputable fly by night organization! How dare you bring this worthless garbage in?!

The turtles kicked him out of the fake store

Leo: Haha! Epic plan fail!

Lizzie: that was only our first customer though

Donnie: exactly! And we haven't failed yet!

He points to a yokai walking up to them holding a glowing box

Donnie: The glow on that piece is off the charts!

Mikey: Told you Raph! Dark armor here we-

Suddenly a truck stopped right in front of the yokai

Repo: Hey! You owe me money!

He stole the glowing box

Repo: Now we're square

Repo drove back to his junkyard

Donnie: Repo stinking Mantis!

Lizzie: Repo Mantis...

Leo: Uh oh

Raph: Now you see why I had my doubts?

Leo: Raph not a good time

Lizzie was getting more and more frustrated

Leo: Lizzie just breathe in and out he isn't important to you!

Lizzie: I know but we still need that piece back!

Mikey: yeah!


The turtles and Lizzie parked the turtle tank right outside repo's junkyard

Raph: Now here's the plan. We're gonna smash our way in and keep smashing until we smash that armor piece right into our smashy little hands!

Lizzie: honestly that could work

Donnie: While you were planning your predictable Smash capade Michel and I were crafting a superior plan based on our extensive knowledge of the subject

Mikey: Question who is Repo Manis?

Lizzie: a big jerk who doesn't care about anyone or anything except for himself and money

Mikey and Donnie were suddenly wearing business outfits

Mikey: yep! He is motivated my greed!

Donnie: dollar dollar bills y'all!

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