Hot Soup Game And A Story

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In the lair the turtles and Lizzie watched a trailer for a lou jitsu video game

Donnie: lou jitsu was in a video game?!

Mikey: We gotta get it! We gotta get it! Liz how much money do you have saved up?!

Lizzie: even if I did it's not human money

Mikey: then we'll the Internet!

He looked up the game online

Mikey: lou jitsu nunchucks lou jitsu sunglasses

Lizzie: the sunglasses sound nice

Leo: then I'll get it for you!

Lizzie: Aww! Thanks Leo!

Mikey: here it is! hot Soup the game montes auction house. Buy it now! we are the proud owners of one very old  mint condition copy of Hot Soup the game!

Raph: Wait a minute you brought it at an auction house? How are we going to pick it up with uh this whole situation?

Raph moved his hand around his face

Lizzie: i could go! I just need to hide my ears and tail

Mikey: no need Lizzie because I'm going to go get it by myself

Raph:What? By yourself? Are you out of your ooze twisted mind?

Mikey: I'm not a baby Raph!

Lizzie: Aww! Wait is this how my mom felt when I was younger?

Mikey: come on Lizzie! I got the skills the moves the ninja realness! I'm ready for my first solo mission

Raph: of course you are in seven to ten years! Right now it's just too dangerous

Leo: I say we let him go Raph you went on your own when you were his age

Raph: Yeah When I was his age I was two years older

Leo: What is up with your math?

Lizzie: well I went on my own solo mission when I was only 12

Mikey: what did you do?

Lizzie: that's a long story I'll tell you when you get back

Mikey: sounds like a plan

Donnie: yeah whatever Leo and Lizzie said is probably right

Mikey: thanks for believing in me Donnie! Leo lizzie I love you. As for you Raph you get last game! Mikey out!

Mikey leaves the lair but dropped his weapon

Raph: Hey you forgot your whip!

Leo: he'll be fine so Liz that solo mission when you were 12 was that time you snuck out wasn't it?

Lizzie: haha! Yeah it was that's also lost my first life

Leo: whoa... you have a mysterious and interesting past and I love it!

Raph: wait liz are you saying mikey could die?!

Lizzie: No! What I did was way more risky and dangerous but also exiting and thrilling

Donnie: exiting and thrilling mean the same thing

Lizzie: either way I'll tell you all when mikey gets back


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