Bug Busters

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In the turtle tank the turtles and Lizzie were heading to a hotel. They were all wearing hazmat suits

Mikey: Donnie I need an update.

Donnie: Okay one more time. Baron Draxum created ooze and put it in bugs that bite people and turn them into mutants and for some reason it's up to us to stop the whole situation.

Lizzie: it's up to us because we're hero's... and it was our fault those bugs got out in the first place.

Raph: Focus! The new hotel is full of Oozesquitoes. We're suited up so let's get down to business!


The five of them arrived at the hotel went inside and saw a bunch of Oozesquitoe's everywhere

Lizzie: this place looks familiar...

Raph: ok bugs it's just you and us!

They all saw the bellhop still in the hotel

Stanley: And me! I'm here to

Lizzie: you shouldn't be here it's dangerous

Leo: but do not fear sir. We are unlicensed amateurs and we have this situation mindly controlled

Stanley: your skin is green and she has cat ears!

Leo: Relax sir it's just a perfectly normal side effect of all the chemicals we use

Raph: Alright remember the plan. We trap and smash. Zap smash bash smash!

Raph hit a vase by accident but Stanley was able to catch it

Stanley: no no no! Don't break anything! The boss will have my hide!

Lizzie: that's what you're worried about? What about the dangerous mutant bugs that are everywhere?

Leo: I say we revise Raph's plan to make sure that guy doesn't get mutated

Raph: Stick to the plan. If we capture the oozequito's nobody gets mutated. Alright? Mikey you're up

Mikey: Rodger skipper honey based distraction released!

He covered himself in honey

Mikey: I'm so sweet baby! Come get me!

Some of the Oozesquitoe's started chasing Mikey and Lizzie was able to grab one of the bugs

Lizzie: Well that was easier then I thought

Suddenly Donnies tech sphere bounces towards her and trapped her inside with the turtles

Leo: Plan is really coming in together Raph. No more honey next plan

The turtles and Lizzie saw an Oozesquitoe bite Stanley and he was mutated into a bull

Raph: No! Leo If you'd just listen to me we would've gotten the bugs and been hosing down Mikey right now!

Leo: we did listen to you Raph and that persnickety guy was ironically mutated into a clumsy bull!

Donnie: Hey how about we continue this classic Raph Leo argument outside the trap?

Donnie shut of the tech sphere and they got free

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