The Ballad Of Rat Man

Start from the beginning

Splinter: to uh... stand out! I bet other cars are nothing like this one!

Donnie: she is one of a kind!


Splinter drove the turtle tank down the road in a booster seat with Donnie Mikey and Lizzie

Splinter: This booster seat is amazing! I can actually see. No more guessing what that thing I ran over was

Donnie: I'm so glad you like it dad.

Splinter: Excellent work son. This is going to be a glory filled night. You have made me very-

He suddenly stopped the turtle tank

Lizzie: whoa! What was that for?

Splinters We're here!

They parked in front of an arena called the 'doom dome'

Mikey: Cool cool cool... Abort! We are in danger!

Donnie: Mikey I think he was about to say proud! It felt amazing! I'm gonna chase this feeling

The four of them enter the arena and there was a crowd full of people

Lizzie: something definitely isn't right here

Mikey: yeah I don't think this is a car fair

Splinter: You all ready to have some fun?

Donnie: You bet we are! We are number o-!

suddenly a van hits the turtle tank sending it across the arena

All: AH!

Donnie: My baby!

Lizzie: what the heck what that?!

Announcer: The last entry! Seal them all in.

Just then all the gates closed and locked

Announcer: Last car standing wins!

Lizzie looked out the window and saw a four other trucks

Lizzie: Uh oh...

Mikey: Did you bring us to a crazy mutant demolition derby?!

Splinter: Who is ready to win some glory?!

Splinter put on sunglasses and drove up to two other trucks but they both bumped into him on purpose

Donnie: I thought you said they'd be petting my baby not destroying her!

Lizzie checked the computer and saw the shields were at 80%. Then mikey noticed by meat sweats driving one of the trucks

Meat Sweats: Tonight's special roadkill!

Mikey: This guy? Oh he doesn't like us!

Lizzie: you think? He tried to cook Donnie alive!

Another truck bumped into them and it was driven by repo mantis.

Mikey: Oh no! It's Lizzie's horrible dad! He really doesn't like us!

Lizzie: for the last time he's not my dad!

Yet another truck bumped into the turtle tank and this time it was driven by hypnopotamus

Hypno: What are they doing here?

Mikey: He not only doesn't like us but I kinda broke his heart!

Lizzie: that's not what happened

Splinter: what have you all been up to?

Lizzie: just a few crime fighting missions!

Then Splinter Donnie mikey and Lizzie saw one last truck and it was driven by Warren stone

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