39. Love You More

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After church, Peter and I went to Subway. I didn't feel like cooking so I bought enough for us to have dinner tonight as well. When we finished, we went back to my house to decide what we were going to do with the rest of the day. I had an idea but I wasn't sure how he would feel about it.

"What do you feel like doing?" he asked me.

I looked over and gave him a big, mischievous smile. He looked at me and sighed, "Is whatever you're thinking going to get me in trouble?"

"Would you be totally against it if I said yes?" I asked him.

He thought about it for a moment, "No? Will it get me in trouble?"

"I hope not, but," I shrugged.

"Ok, lay it on me. What are you wanting to do?"

I tucked my hair behind my ear, "Wanna go on a boat ride?"

"Is your dad going to let us take his boat?"

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him," I said.

"Taylen Elouise, I love you and all, but I am not helping you steal your dad's boat. He would kill us both, then my dad would make sure he finished the job."

I frowned. How was I supposed to get a boat without stealing one?

"What if I just tell him we're taking it and walk out the door? Or better yet, what if I just text him and tell him?"

He gave me a look.

"What? I think it's a good plan."

"What happens if he doesn't want you taking his boat? Are you even legal to drive it?"

"Of course I can drive it, silly. The better question is, can you drive it?"

"Yes, I have my boating license."

"Great! Let's go hook it up."

"Isn't it too cold outside?"

"Peter, if you don't want to go on the boat, just say so."

"No, I want to go, it's just... well, I don't want to get in trouble and it's March. It's not even 60 degrees outside."

"Ok, we won't go. Why don't we lay in my bed and watch movies all day?"

He sighed, "No, let's go out with the boat."

"No, Peter. I heard what you said. Let's just do something else."

"I want to go out on the boat," he said adamantly.

I took a deep breath.

"I don't care if I get in trouble. Besides, we can bundle up. I'd love to spend a day with you in the middle of a lake. Let's do it."

"Are you sure?" I asked, giving him one more chance to think it over.

"Yes, let's go hook it up."

We spent 15 minutes hooking it up before going inside to pack the cooler and get dressed. I put my swimsuit on underneath my sweatpants and Peter's hoodie. While he got dressed, I went downstairs and put some water, sodas, and wine coolers into the cooler. I only put one for each of us in there. He met me downstairs and carried the cooler outside for us. I had also put some snacks into a smaller bag and put them in the truck. Peter checked how much gas the boat had as I texted my dad that we were taking the boat out. Peter got in the driver's seat and we left. Dad responded before we made it to the highway saying ok and making sure it had enough gas.

"How much gas did we have?" I asked so I could reply to my dad.

"Enough," he smiled.

"Ok, Dad was asking."

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