2. Looking Back at Me

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"Taylen Elouise," my dad said sternly.

I slowly turned around and watched as he went over to Carter who held his cheek in pain. I felt bad that he was the finally received the result of my worn patience, but he probably deserved it. The number of things he has done to me is worth way more than a slap to the face, just saying.

I was still pretty annoyed. I was just trying to go to bed and hopefully waking up and this was all a dream.

"Carter, go get some ice for it," Dad said to him. Then he turned to me, "What the hell was that for?" he thundered.

It had been 5 years since the last time I had been spanked. I figured after my outburst, that number would be back down to 0.

"I asked you a question, little girl," he said sternly after I refused to answer.

I thought about glaring but decided it was in my best interest not to. I just need to be sorry and get this over with.

"I got mad, daddy," I said, looking down.

"Girl, I'm going to show you mad. Plant yourself in a corner. You will never lay hands on your brother again."

My eyes widened, but I went to the same corner I made Pete- no, never mind. I stood in the corner at the end of my bed. My eyes started to tear up, but I refused to let them fall. Dad sat on my bed the entire time. I was starting to regret my decision not to wear pants and I figured I will really regret it in a few minutes. When he called me over, he had already braced his legs for me to lay across.

"You already know why it is unacceptable to lay hands on your brother, so I'll skip the lecture. Come over."

"Please don't," I said quietly.

"Taylen Elouise, I said come over here. You have two seconds before I tack on penalties."

Hesitantly, I walked over to his right side and laid across his legs. I hadn't been in this position in five years and it was humiliating. My underwear were not the most modest and he could see them. I was ready to cry just from the embarrassment.

The first swat came down hard and I decided that I was going to take this spanking stoically. It was a few more before the stinging sensations began. In my book, this was going down as the worst night ever. I started to wiggle a little by the time Dad had spanked me eight times. He pinned me down a little better and kept bringing his hand down on my panty-clad bottom.

"Ouch," came from my mouth with gritted teeth.

He finished off with 3 swats to each of my cheeks and 2 to each thigh. I was breathless when he let me up, but I had managed not to cry. He went to hug me but I stepped out of the way, not feeling up for physical affection at the moment.

"You ok, Peach?" he asked, kind of hurt I declined the hug.

I nodded and his face was sad.

"I'm sorry I had to do that," he told me. "What made you mad to begin with?"

"Nothing important. I just lost my temper. Sorry."

"It's not like you to just lose your temper. What happened? Did something happen at the dance? Did Carter say something?"

"Nothing happened. I'm just tired."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded. I wasn't trying to guilt trip him, I just wanted him to leave. Dad finally left after he realized he wasn't getting anything out of me.

I laid on my tummy replaying todays events. How could it have gone from a really good day, to one of the absolute worst days of my life. I didn't even realize I had started crying again, but I was quick to dry it up when Carter came in.

"I'm sorry I smacked you," I said, sniffing.

"I know, baby," he hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

We laid there a minute, my breathing getting slower.

"I'm sorry I was right. I really hate that I was," at that, I lost it again.

I cried hard. I cried for the naive girl who thought she was with someone loyal and loving. I cried for what was. I cried for what is. I cried for what could've been. Carter stayed with the whole time, petting my hair and whispering reassurance to me.

Eventually, I guess I fell into obviation. When I woke up a few hours later, Carter was still holding me. He looked like he had cried some too and I kissed his cheek softly. I laid back down on his chest and tried to go back to sleep. I thought back to the reality that Peter is not my boyfriend. It just didn't seem real.

I woke up to Carter shifting around. I blinked a few times before my eyes fully opened.

"Morning Peach," he said in his rough morning voice.

"Good morning," I slowly got up.

"Your butt is barely even pink," Carter said laughing. "Mine would've been red all week."

I knew he was right but I didn't care. His face was fine since I pulled my hit a lot. I just slapped him hard enough for it to sting for a few minutes. The one time Carter actually laid hands on me, was the first time I ever spanked anybody with a hair brush. I was thankful Dad didn't pull out any implements because I would not have been able to take it as well as I did.

I got ready for the day, not that I was going anywhere, and went downstairs. I had made up a coffee mixture with coffee and sweet and condensed milk. There was a knock on the door so i set my coffee down and went to open it. I was shocked at the face I saw looking back at me. 

So I was on the phone with Patrick while writing most of this and I started getting tired. When I get sleepy, I get whiny and kinda bratty. I think he hung up on me :) It's ok though. I am tired, I was crying a little, and yeah. Now I am going to take a shower and go to sleep. 

PS- the chapter is a little shorter due to how sleepy I am.

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