10. Foggy Night (P)

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Peter's POV

Many of my memories from the night are foggy. I'm not sure how or when I showed up at Tay's but everything after that is clear as day, unfortunately. I did not have the luxury of forgetting her whipping the hell out of my ass or the way I was embarrassed because my parents asked her to.


"Peter Grayson, what the hell are you doing? It's 3 in the morning," Tay yelled at me in a whisper.

That was a good question, I also had no idea.

"Have you been drinking?" she asked as she got closer, clearly going into "Mom" mode.

It took my mind a second to catch up, "I had some."

You could practically hear her eyeroll. She stood in her "thinking" stance.

"Let's go get you into the truck and I'll run you home," she sounded like a mom even more then.

I didn't want to go home... or be in a truck with her for the better part of an hour.

"I don't wanna," I said.

"You have to," she challenged as she grabbed my elbow to guide me to her truck.

I attempted to jerk my elbow back, but she wouldn't let go. Suddenly I was under fire as she landed three extremely hard swats to my rump. I didn't realize she wasn't hitting me with her whole force to start with. My submissive side came out when I apologized and persisted for the rest of the night.

She helped me into the truck then went inside to grab something, leaving me unattended. I put my leg over the console thingy and pushed the brake as I pushed the start button twice. When she got back, my leg was already beck over, which was a good thing because she would not have been thrilled.

"Did you call my mom yet?" I asked as she backed up.

The two of them had been hanging out and I knew there was no way she wasn't going to tell on me.

"No, I haven't yet," she replied softly.

"Please don't call her. I'm tired of disappointing her," I confided, hoping she would listen.

"Maybe try doing things that make her proud instead of disappointed. Where did you even go tonight?"

I don't know what it is about her, but she can never just not give advice. She has a solution to literally every problem. It's both annoying and awesome.

"I called Noah," I admitted.

I met Noah that night we all went to the Barn. He made me a good mix and he told me he knew a thousand more. We traded snaps and here I was.

I could almost hear the thoughts that were chorusing through her head. I knew she was disappointed. She was doing that thing where she bites the corner of her mouth. She was also trying not to show she cared, but left leg wouldn't stay still. She shifted it constantly and I knew she was trying to distract herself.

"Am I allowed to call myself a fuck-up now?" I asked her with a hint of sadness in my tone.

"Peter, you're not a fuck-up," she reproached quickly.

"Tay, you won't even talk to me. My ass is a constant shade of red. I've been drunk the last three days, and earlier, I smoked weed," I stated without emotion.

"Peter, you have made a lot of mistakes lately," she sighed. "What would make you feel better?"

I thought about it. One idea sprung to my mind, but I didn't want to ask her. I wondered if she was thinking the same thing.

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