32. There's the Princess (P)

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Hey readers, Taylar here, I just wanted to give y'all a heads up on a few things. The next few chapters will be in Peter's POV. I promise I won't leave the bad-girl Taylen storyline hanging too long, but I am missing writing Peter and I have a storyline in mind that I can't really tell through Taylen's POV. So enjoy this bit a Peter. The second thing is that I think I'm going to end this book with about 45 chapters. It could be more, it could be less. I think I've about covered what I wanted with this book and I'm excited to work on the next one. However, I don't yet have a title for it and I'm interested in y'all's ideas. I'll give more details later, but be thinking of titles that have the word Heart in them. I am going to start calling this the heart series!

Peter's POV

Savannah and I were curled up in her bed, trying to get some rest after our recent encounter. I was tracing along the side of her body, the way that I liked to be touched. She never did anything like that, but she touched me in other ways that I enjoy.

Half an hour later, we were watching a movie and I got a phone call.


"Oh my goodness, Peter, you're ok!" Mom's voice was relieved.

"Yeah, is everything ok?" I asked.

I was confused about why she was so panicked. She knew where I was and she told me to be home by eleven. It was only ten.

"Have you seen Taylen?" she sounded panicked that time.

"No ma'am," I replied.

"Shit. Do you know where she might be?"

"I haven't talked to her in a while. I can go check some of her favorite places if you want?"

"Yes, please. She tried to call me but I declined the call. I didn't know that she had run away. Tomorrow is the anniversary of her brother's death. We need to find her now!"

"Yes ma'am. I am leaving now."

"Call me if you find her. Be safe. I love you."

"Love you too, Mom."

I hurried out of the covers and began to put my clothes back on. I had forgotten about it being a year ago that her brother died. That's probably why she was so upset that day at the lake. I thought she was lying to me.

"Where are you going?" Savannah asked.

"Taylen is missing," I replied and continued to get my stuff together.

"Oh my god," she groaned, "When are you going to get over that pathetic little slut?"

"Excuse me? You do not get to talk about her like that," I growled.

"I mean it's her fault my boyfriend killed himself. Maybe the world would be better without her," Sav rolled her eyes distastefully.

"Wait, what do you mean 'your boyfriend'?"

"Isaiah was my first everything, Peter," she rolled her eyes again.

I stared at her.

"You didn't think that I actually liked you, did you? Aww, how cute?"

I continued to stare at her.

"Once the bitch found someone she loved, I took it from her. Just like how she took my someone."

My mind was blank. There were so many things I should say to her, but right now, there's someone I need to find. I walked out of Savannah's and hopped in my truck. I took a deep breath and backed out of her drive. I had to find Taylen.

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