37. Test My Self-Control

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I ended up falling asleep on him. There was something so familiar about being in his arms. My heart was content and happy. I didn't have butterflies like the people in the books do. It was more of a constant feeling of woah. I wasn't nervous. I wasn't angry. I wasn't sad. It was a feeling so hard to describe yet so steady. I felt safe. I felt like I was home. I never expected that home was a person.

I stirred a little as I heard a weird noise. I was still on Peter's chest. His breathing seemed off. I lifted myself up enough that I could see his face. He was crying.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I asked softly as I reached my hand up to brush away some of his tears.

When he realized I was no longer asleep, he quickly dried it up. After wiping his face with the back of his arm, he sat up.

"What time is it?" he asked.

His voice was normal and if I hadn't caught him, I would have never known he was crying. It was kind of weird.

"Peter," I said in a no-nonsense tone.

He knew exactly what I was saying. He stiffened and made eye contact.

"Why were you crying?" I stared him in the eyes so hard it made me slightly uncomfortable.

'I wasn't," he replied after a beat.

"Ok, don't tell me," I caved.

He looked at me with his head tilted but didn't say anything.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked him.

"I want to take you on a date," he decided.

"What kind of date?"

"It's a surprise. Wear something nice. I'll be back to pick you up at seven," with that he kissed me gently and left the room.

I was slightly confused as to what just happened. I went from debating on punishing him to anticipating a date with him. Love was confusing. I looked at the time now. It was only four. I still had an hour and a half before I needed to get ready. I grabbed my book and got comfy.

I finished the book in an hour and fifteen minutes. I went downstairs and started dinner for Dad and Carter. Dad had been working on the house he is building to sell so he hasn't been home today. Carter left when Peter got here and went to Ace's. The two of them were supposed to be back by 6 and they were late. It was fine though. They could eat cold supper. I got it in the oven and went upstairs to get ready to go.

Peter sent me a text that he was on his way. I finished styling my hair and went to put clothes on. I decided on a pink sundress with corkboard pumps. I wore gold hoops and a gold necklace with an arrow on it. Peter got here right at seven. He knocked on the door and when I opened it, he was holding flowers. He's the sweetest.

"You look stunning," he smiled a big smile and handed me the flowers.

"Thank you," I kissed his cheek and motioned for him to come inside.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a vase to put the flowers in. Ace and Carter were sitting at the table eating. Carter gave me an annoyed look. I didn't figure he would be thrilled that I was back with Peter. In fact, I suspected he and I had many fights in our future.

"Where are y'all going?" Ace asked.

I looked over at Peter and smiled.

"It's a surprise. I'm sure she will tell you all about it when I bring her home tonight."

"You shouldn't be out later than eleven, young lady," Ace said in a way where it didn't sound like a suggestion.

"Yes sir," I saluted him just to be cheeky.

I put the flowers on the table. I walked around to hug Ace then when I hugged Carter, he said, "You better be back by ten."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Taylen, I'm serious," he was talking quietly so Peter couldn't hear him but Ace still could.

"Whatever," I replied and walked over to Peter.

"I swear!" Carter raised his voice and Ace clamped his hand over his mouth

"Leave her alone," Ace said sternly to Carter. To me, he said, "Go have fun. See you when you get back."

I blew him a kiss and Peter and I walked out.

"Do you two still fight a lot?" Peter asked me once we had climbed into his truck.

"All the time," I replied, "It's been worse since he found out he was having a baby. I try to have patience but he wears them thin."

Peter sighed, "Maybe it will get better when the baby comes?"

"I hope so. He and I are about to get into it."

"I wouldn't recommend that," he scratched the back of his neck.

"And why not?"

"Well for starters, as strong and ridiculous you are, I think he still would overpower you. Secondly, your dad has stepped up his discipline game. You would get in a lot of trouble."

"You're probably right. I'm not above pouring cold water on him in the shower though."

He rolled his eyes.

"So where are you taking me?" I asked after a brief pause.

"I thought we could go out to eat at a fancy restaurant. I really hope that Carter won't be too mad because we're not going to be back by ten."

"Eh, don't worry about him. He can't do anything," I told Peter.

"If you say so," he said.

I grabbed his right hand and held it as he drove with his left hand.

"Are you ever going to tell me what was wrong earlier?" I asked.

"Fuck," he mumbled.

Because he was driving, I did not pop his mouth. Instead, I scolded, "Peter Grayson, what kind of language is that? Do we need to turn around and have a nice long conversation about your mouth?"

"No ma'am. I'm sorry," he replied quickly, shooting me a sheepish look.

"Only warning," I warned.

He nodded and we were silent for a few minutes.

"You're really pretty," he said to me suddenly.

"You're very pretty as well," I replied.

"You're a weirdo," he gave me his cute little smile.

I rolled my eyes and kissed his hand.

We got there and he came over and opened my door. I leaned down before I climbed out and connected his lips to mine. He leaned in closer and deepened the kiss.

"You test my self-control," he said, his eyes still closed.

"And you test mine," I kissed him again. 

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