17. Peter Detox Mode

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Carter and I parted ways when we got home. I needed space to process, and he needed to call Julie. I spent the next several hours choreographing our next routine. We were going to state with the boys' basketball team in a week and a half. I needed to quickly decide on what we were doing, then I needed to teach it. After that, we had to perfect it.

Dad came into my room while I was mid-move. I halted and looked at him.

"Your brother said you gave him a hard time today," he said with his eyebrows raised.

"I did no such thing," I replied.

His eyes squinted at me, and I held back a laugh. I didn't figure he would appreciate that.

"Taylen," he said warningly.

"What?" I asked, feigning innocence.

I didn't give Carter that hard of a time. I barely even argued with him. Is he trying to get me in trouble?!?

"Taylen Elouise, are you wanting to have this conversation over my knee?"

"No," I quickly spit, "What kind of question is that?"

His eyes darkened as soon as the words came out of my mouth. He stomped over and grabbed my elbow.

"Woah, what is going on in here?" Carter asked, walking in and taking in the sight.

"She is being sassy," Dad said and swatted my butt for the first time.

Somebody tell me how I went from never getting spanked to constantly being under fire. Sure I've adopted a little attitude but not enough to justify this. I pouted a little.

"Dad, leave her alone. She barely even did anything," Carter replied to Dad.

"You told me she gave you a real hard time," Dad turned his glare to Carter.

"I was being sarcastic," Carter said exasperated.

Dad's glare turned into a confused look, "Huh?"

"What is up with you lately?" Carter asked, "You haven't been your normal self in like a month."

"There's nothing wrong with me. What's wrong with you? You haven't gotten a whipping in a month and a half. That's gotta be a record."

Carter's emotions played across his face. First, there was a shock, then there was hurt, then there was defiance.

"I was trying to be responsible. I'm about to have a kid of my own and with you being gone all the time, you left me to be there for Peach while she falls apart. You haven't even asked where all this random misbehavior has come from. Have you met your daughter? This isn't her. That's not what you care about though, is it? No. You just care enough to shut down the supposed attitude she has," Carter went off on him.

Dad opened his mouth to defend himself multiple times while Carter was talking. Carter silenced him by raising his volume just a little bit each time.

"How dare you be so disrespectful. I put a roof over your head, I put food on the table, you got clothes, you have a truck, you have all of your wants and needs, and you dare talk to me like that? I don't think so."

"Where has my dad been then? Huh? Because when I told you that I was fixing to have a kid, you walked away. You did not show me that I could come to you with this kind of thing. Don't worry, I won't make that mistake again.

"Ok hold it," I spoke suddenly. "You both need to calm down. You are both saying hurtful things that you are going to regret later. Let's all take a breather, then we can meet at the table and positively discuss things. Attacking each other is not going to be how this is solved."

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