33. Felt Like Days Ago (P)

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Peter's POV

I figured Mom would be waiting on me in my room when I got up there. To my surprise, she wasn't anywhere to be seen. It was half an hour before I even heard any movement in the house. Finally, I had enough of the switch staring at me and mocking me and had written out the check for paying the ticket, knowing I would have to pay for it myself. It was only $200 so it could have been worse. It was quite the dent to my account though. I would have to go to my nana's and pick up some jobs from her.

Finally, an hour later, Mom came into my room. She stood with her hands on her hips, giving me a stern look. Her cheeks were tear-stained and her eyes were glossy, but here she was, giving me a stare-down. I rolled my eyes and stood up so I could bend over the bed.

"We're doing it differently today," Mom spoke for the first time.

I turned around and gave her a confused look, "I thought you were switching me?"

"Not this time. If you ever get pulled over again, you will get double what you're getting now with the switch."

"Yes ma'am."

"I want you to go get my hairbrush out of my bathroom and bring it here," she informed me what her weapon of choice would be.

I left my room and went downstairs into her room. It took me a minute to find the brush that she was talking about, but as soon as I did, I hightailed it back upstairs. I knew she was wondering what was taking me so long. The last thing I needed was for Dad or Mom to think that I was running away from my spanking. That would get me the switch in an instant.

Mom was sitting on my bed with her feet planted flat on the floor. I groaned when I realized she intended on putting me over her lap. I wished she'd go back to never spanking us. I liked it better that way. Ever since Mason started vaping again, she has started to take consequences into her own hands. I don't like it.

"Take your pants down and come over my lap," she commanded softly.

"Do I have to go across your lap? Can I please just bend over the desk or something?" I pleaded.

"No," she replied simply.

That's another thing I don't like. Since when does Mom reply with no without explaining her reasoning? Blows my mind.

"Please," I begged.

"You just bought yourself ten more, want to make it fifteen?" she asked me sternly.

I sighed and lowered my head, "No ma'am."

Mom looked at me expectantly and I slowly lowered my basketball shorts to my mid-thigh. Stupid gravity made them fall the rest of the way down. I trudged over and laid carefully over her lap. I was scared that I weighed too much and that I would hurt her, but she barely even moved. I guess if Taylen can hold me over her lap, Mom can. Especially with the support, the bed had for my chest and head.

"I know that we haven't ever done this, but the spanking rules are even more important when we're in this position. Do not kick or throw your hands back. I know you wiggle a lot, but if you can help it, don't wiggle. I would hate for you to fall off because you couldn't be still."

"Yes ma'am."

As she tapped the head of the brush against my butt, she asked, "Why are you getting a spanking, Peter Grayson?"

I rolled my eyes because I knew she couldn't see them, "Getting a speeding ticket," I grumbled.

"And?" she questioned.

I had to think back through my evening and realized she was talking about the first time I was pulled over and was given a warning.

"And not telling you I got pulled over the first time."

"Precisely," she brought the hairbrush down for a sharp swat.

Swat after swat fell, making the heat in my ass grow. By the time she had spanked me ten times, I was getting teary-eyed and was ready to be done. I was trying not to wiggle too much so I wouldn't cause too much more physical strain for Mom.

"H-hurts," I whined.

"I would imagine wrecking your truck and having to be scraped off the highway would hurt worse," Mom replied with two swats to the tops of my thighs.

"I thought Taylen was in danger," I cried out.

"I know you did, but you wouldn't have been able to help her if you would have been in a wreck."

The spanking was as quiet as it gets for a few. All you could hear was my whines and the smacks falling against my skin. One particular hard smack caused me to begin to cry audibly.

"Almost done, baby," Mom paused and rubbed slightly at my back.

Mom finished up with my extra ten and then sat the brush down. I continued to cry as I stood up and even went as far as rubbing my butt to get the sting out. It wasn't working. Mom pulled me into a hug. Since I asked about moving, she has been much more distant with me. Used to we were very physically affectionate, but now I barely get a hug a day. It hurts my heart to think that it was my fault. But of course, it was. It always was.

I was embarrassed now that I had been sobbing over my mom's knee and I buried my head in her shoulder to hide. My butt was throbbing. Gosh, did she take some of the steroids Tay always accuses her of feeding us?

Mom rubbed my back and kissed my wet cheek, "I hate doing this to you, but if you ever get pulled over for speeding again, I will give you double with the switch."

I gulped and nodded. I will not speed again.

"My butt hurts," I complained.

"It's supposed to. You'll be better soon, darling."

I was calm enough that Mom let go. She grabbed her brush and walked to the door.

"Thank you for getting her home safe. Get some sleep. She expects you at her house by 10."

"Yes ma'am."

When she shut the door, I started crying again. I had just remembered what happened with Savannah just hours ago. It seems like days ago.

Half a Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें