If You Could See

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Taehyung walked down sidewalk of his apartment complex. He could already hear his fathers drunken yells and sisters crys. What could he do? If he intervened the day would start again.

He dug in his pocket for his phone. Then the other for a couple seconds. Realization came to him when he remembered that his phone had fell out of his pocket.

"Damn it" taehyung said.

He kept walking down the sidewalk and gave a glance to the apartment window. The blackout curtains blocked out the things his father did behind the doors.

He felt helpless, guilty and sad. There were so many things he couldn't bare to think about. He tried to think back to his memories of his friends.

He could see some clearly, but the others were dulled by time. He walked over to a bench and sat down staring across the street. It was obvious the sun was starting to set, but it still glowed like a light yellow and red ombionce.

Someone caught his eye and a flash of a memory appeared in his mind.

Hoseok was walking aimlessly looking confused and disappointed. As if he had been left behind, he stood walking around and calling someone on his phone.

Taehyung rubbed his eyes. Jungkook was right. He couldn't just sit by and not help them. He had to go back and help save everyone because if he didn't there wouldn't be anyone to save Jungkook.


Namjoon had been waiting outside of the police station for almost an hour. Jungkook, Hoseok, and Jimin arrived not long after. The had been explaining the situation for hours that it was now night. They knew nothing of Taehyung and the subject changed to how the police could find him.

"We're asking if you have him because we don't know where he is?" Jungkook yelled.

"Look we don't have a Kim Taehyung here. But if you have any information you have to give it to us" said a police officer.

"Not without a damn lawyer" jimin said crossing his arms.

"That just makes you sound more guilty son" said the officer.

"Waht? Asking for a lawyer as to my lawful right" jimin asked.

"Look son... most people represent themselves here plus your not being interrogated" said the officer.

Jimin stepped back but kept his gaze hard on the officer.

"We don't know where he is officer that's why we're asking you" Namjoon said, "he's been missing for hours now and we have no way to talk to him".

"Don't you kids have your cellphones nowadays. Why don't you call him on that?" The officer said.

"Some people can't afford a phone" Jimin said spitfully.

The officer wavered slightly. He sat back in his chair looking at the four men. He shook his head and looked down.

"Look, if we find him we'll contact you but for now it's past your curfew isn't it?" Said the officer.

Jungkook scoffed and walked out with the others following close behind. Once they were outside jungkook screamed in frustration.

"Calm down Jungkook. It's not like he's dead" namjoon said.

"Hes a 17 year old on the streets of Seoul" hoseok said throwing his head back, "not the good ones".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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