Silver Sp- oh

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It was night now as Taehyung and Hoseok talked in Jins room. Jungkook had left the room get some from from the cafeteria. They talked about their lives, what had happened. Hoseok was still a bit on guard from when Jungkook and Taehyung had pretty much interrogated him. Still, it felt natural with them. Like they had never parted ways.

The door closed and locked suddenly with a click so suddenly it made both men jump. Hoseok and Taehyung looked toward the door seeing no one in the small rectangular window. Hoseok stood and walked to the door as taehyung followed behind. All they saw was empty halls.

"That's weird" Hoseok said.

"Try the door?" Taehyung said pushing past Hoseok and turning the door handle. It made a click and didn't open, "the hell…"

"Is it locked?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah. There isn't a way to unlock it from here" Taehyung said confused.

"That's not good" hoseok said.

"Well I hope you have nowhere to be" taehyung said with a small shrug.

"Eh no job will take a narcoleptic guy" Hoseok said, "who locked us in?".

"I dunno. Maybe it's just a security thing. This isn't exactly the safest hospital" Taehyung said.

"We could hit Jins call button or call Jungkook" Hoseok said, "Someone would come and get us out".

"I guess but maybe we should just wait," Taehyung said.

"Right" hoseok said and rolled his eyes.

"Look, I'm sure it's nothing. If we need to, we'll call" taehyung said.

"Alright alright" hoseok said.

Jungkook stood in line at the cafeteria replaying his talk with Yoongi in his head. Most of the people in line looked like mothers or wives, fathers and husbands which he thought to be quite sad. His parents had called him almost 5 times today. It didn't really matter to him. What were they gonna say? Come back home to your crappy life son, not because we miss you but because we need to feel in control of something rather than think of our own crappy lives.

After another minute it was finally time to get his food. He got a small sandwich, a bag of chips and a bottle of banana milk.


"code silver?" Jungkook repeated, "What's that?"

A women next to him shrugged while her husband looked around.

"Maybe it's just a code for a patient. Like a code blue. They go off all the time" said her husband.

Jungkook brushed it off and walked to a small two person table in the far corner. A text went on his phone.

1 notification

Jungkook did you hear that announcement? The code silver? I looked it up and there's an active shooter in the hospital. We're locked in jins room. Don't move

What the hell do you mean don't move? Active shooter?

Jungkooks heart started to race as he noticed the intense silence. There were no doctors in sight. Non of the people seemed alarmed by the announcement.

Don't panic. And don't die.
Though in all honesty it probably wouldn't matter if you did.

Thanks that makes me feel a little better

Just stay where you are.

Jungkook put his phone away slowly and looked around. Many people were oblivious to what was happening. Jungkook hadn't heard a gun go off. Maybe it was too far for people here to hear.

Jungkook stood slowly and walked over to a table as if he was going to throw something away. The couple was in his path sitting quietly whispering to each other.

"Code silver is an active shooter," Jungkook whispered.

The woman was stunned but the husband nodded.

"Go back to your table kid. The people will take care of it" said the husband.

Jungkook walked back to his table but couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. He could almost see it. The door's would burst open and people would run away but he would stay put because… Because it was someone he knew and wasnt affraid of.

Jungkook tried to text taehyung again but he didn't have any signal. There were no sirens and the police were only 5 blocks away. He passed them on the bus, he remembered it.

With a disgruntled sight he almost stood when a hooded figure walked in and aimed his gun in people's direction. People screamed and stood running to a corner. Jungkook sat still quite stunned as he realized what he imagined happened happened.

"Five doctor's are dead and the phone lines are dead" the man said, "all of you will survive if you do as say-".

The man's voice faltered when he noticed Jungkook. He looked forward at the people and jerked his gun in a direction. They moved where he directed.

"Kid!" Said a man urgently.

The man aimed his gun at the man shutting him up.

Jungkook stood up slowly as the man's attention was elsewhere. After a second he made a break for it. He could hear the footsteps following him as he made it to Jins room.

"Jungkook wait!" Yelled a voice.

Jungkook came to a sliding stop as he tried to open the door the door to jins door. Hoseok and Taehyung ran up to the door as jungkook fiddled with the lock.

"Jungkook…" said a voice.

Jungkook jumped as he looked to see the shooter. He stood nonmenacingly I front of him.

He threw back his hood to reveal Jimin. Jimin looked at him then to the small window. He looked totally different from when he had seem him. He looked angrier and a bit aggressive. It made him look taller.

Jungkook opened the door and hoseok shot out to pull jungkook into the room. However it didn't go as planned and jimin blindly shot at the man hitting him in the gut.

Hoseok fell on the floor gasping for air. Jungkook fell with him trying to stop the bleeding.

"What the hell jimin?" Taehyung yelled.

Taehyung stood between Jimin and Hoseok. Jungkook tried his best to sooth Hoseok as he twitched in pain.

"You shot him… you shot him" jungkook screamed, "you fucking shot him".

"I thought he was a doctor" Jimin yelled back

"And that justifies killing a man?" Taehyung questioned.

"I wanted out. To scare the doctors from saying anything when I ran away" jimin said, "you don't know what it's like here. It's never ending. I didn't mean to shoot Hoseok"

"The hell?" Jungkook said, "what the hell"

Hoseok went limp.

"Jimin are you insane?" Taehyung said.

Hoseok was still alive but couldn't speak. Though he could feel the blinding pain in his stomach. Trying to speak out, but he was choking on his own blood.

"There's no way out of this" Jimin said.

"There sure as hell isnt" Taehyung said.

"Tae!" Jungkook scolded.

"Jimin calm the hell down" Taehyung yelled.

Jimin turned the gun on himself and before Jungkook or taehyung could react he pulled the trigger.

"NO!" Jungkook and Taehyung yelled.


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