Whos Searching for Redemption

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Eventually Taehyung was able to will himself out of bed. His phone still buzzed with messages and his fathers drunken yelling continued.

He stood in the bathroom infront of the mirror. He stared at his face, clear of the beating Taehyung had taken from Jungkook. He may have been young but Jungkook packed a hard punch.

"Damn it" Taehyung muttered.

He turned on the tap to wash his face and when he looked up something was different. He didn't see his own reflection in the mirror.

Instead a battered and bruised Jungkook stared back at him. His eyes were fixed on Taehyung.

He gasped throwing his hand on his mouth. Closing his eyes, he went back to throw water on his face.

He looked back terrified again to see jimins face. His lifeless white eyes stared at Taehyung. Taehyung could see the hole in his head where he had shot himself.

"Stop" Taehyung said and closed his eyes again.

He opened them again to see his father staring back at him. He had almost rejoiced that he was seeing his reflection when he realized. He tried to control his breathing as everything had replayed in his head.

Jin was in the mirror now, judging him. Watching as Taehyung made small movements to back up but could barley move. Taehyung could see clearly that a crack started to form on Jins face. Like aged porcelain on a doll.

"Stop" he said grabbing hid head, "stop.....STOP!".

He raised his fist and punched the glass. He backed up against the wall sinking to the floor. He cried into his hands with more emotion than he had felt in awhile.

Nothing could tear him from the agony of what he had done.


Jungkook woke up in his bed. He had remembered everything. Except for the pain. He remembered falling, but he didn't remember hitting the ground. He stood slowly and walked to his bathroom still in shock. The mirror showed his reflection and his clear face. He had remembered his face had hurt and was full of bruises. His face looked normal in the mirror.

"Shit" jungkook said and ran a hand through his knotted hair.

He heard his phone ring from his room. He ran back tor grab his phone. It was the hospital calling him to come over.

He sighed and looked through his contacts for Taehyhung. He gave him a call with no answer. He then texted Hoseok.

Do you still remember

Yes I do. Taehyung killed you. Oh my God

No he just punched me and I fell. Plus im fine

What happened

He got angry and we got into a fight. It got out of hand and words were said. I'm alive don't blame him

I've been texting him for ages. He hasn't awsnered

He probably feels terrible about what he did

Why aren't you mad?

Because it didn't feel real

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