Now Pose for Your Mugshot

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“Hello, I'm Namjoon. What can I do for you?” Namjoon said for the 19th time that day.

His legs were sore from standing and the smell of gasoline gave him the worst headache. The couple in the car were the nicest out of everyone he met today. He knew he would lose his temper if he got another customer who liked throwing trash at him.

Of course he didn't really know what would happen when he lost his temper. He'd rather not find out. He was already on edge with the news of Jin's coma. They had just called him about Min Yoongi. Someone he hadn't heard about in years. He had texted him every now and then but no more than a ‘hi’ or ‘how are you’. He missed his friends a lot so seeing them all under horrible circumstances broke his heart more than his fathers death.

Oooh there was that pain again. The pain of knowing you can never talk to that person ever again. He always did what people told him to do when he thought of his father. Think of the good times and the words he said to him. How can you do that when the wound is still so fresh? How do you do that when he forgot that when he called his father he wouldn't be able to answer? When he would start to cry because he heard his fathers voicemail.

Maybe it would work with Jin, but when he tried to think of a memory they were all blurry. He could remember Jin might have been angry at him for something. Maybe it was on a Christmas they spent together with the others.

He leaned against the gas pump watching for cars to stop by.

Instead a young man walked up to him. He had a hoodie with his hands in his pockets. He didn't smile or frown, he looked rather empty as he stared at Namjoon.

“Um, are you okay sir? Can I help you with anything?” Namjoon asked.

“When will this store close?” he asked.

“It's 24/7, like the sign up there says” Namjoon said, pointing to the illuminated sign by the road.

“Right… and you're the only one working, correct?” he asked.

“Well no… there is always someone at the register” Namjoon said, “if you need help she's been here longer than i have”.

“So you're… expendable?” he asked.

“I guess I am,” Namjoon said and shrugged.

“Thanks” he said and walked away to the store.

Namjoon stood and kept waiting for cars. Except there was a loud sound he turned and the man was pointing at something. He ran in and the man turned to him. A gun was aimed at his head.

Namjoon put his hands up suddenly scared for his life. he stared at the man for a while.

“Look man, you don't have to do this'' Namjoon said after the beats of silence.

“I do…” he said, his voice breaking now, “no one listens to me. Maybe they will now”.

“Look.... just let us go and you can take everything in the register” Namjoon said never letting his arms fall.

He looked at his fellow coworker. She was crying as she also kept her arms raised.

“I don't want money” he spat and aimed the gun at the woman.

“No” he said, taking a step but stopped when the gun was aimed at him.

“How old are you?” he asked, “I'm not killing a boy am i”.

Namjoon was speechless.




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