013. lancelot du lac

Start from the beginning

    It wasn't long after she was calm before she could be passed onto Gaius to be stabilised, and Odette could stand up, wiping the blood from her fingers onto the wet rag. She grabbed her bucket and started to the well to grab more.

    She passed Guinevere who handed out fresh clean rags to anyone helping. Some citizens of the lower city had travelled to the square with their food and their aid, humble and far kinder than almost any lord or lady Odette has met in the castle or upper housings.

    Reaching the outside of the frenzied group, Odette found Ronyn stepping out with his horse tethered at his side. The gelding was a little startled at the small chaos, throwing his head to which Ronyn was quick to hush him with a hand on his neck.

    "You're heading out to Greensward with the Prince and the King?" Odette questioned, taken aback by the request if he was.

    The Lord Vecentia fixed his doublet and cloak, donning his name's colours of rich green that made him look far older than he actually was▬but in a good way. He could suit the colour well, but that didn't mean he felt comfortable in it yet. "As of the King's orders," he muttered, shuffling with the same nerves of his horse. "Most trusted noble advisor in the court ... more so I believe he's trying to condition me."

    Odette frowned at that. The bucket hung loosely by her dirty skirts. "Why would you say that?"

    "He and Father were close," Ronyn grumbled. "I mentioned such in an attempt to prove Gwen's innocence in court▬I don't know whether that has reminded him of such or it's some sort of punishment for speaking out of term."


    Ronyn threw his head back and sighed, "He lectures me," he eyed her dramatically down her chin. "Holds some misguided duty of care▬I don't know but either way I do not like it."

    "At least you'll have Arthur, right?" Odette continued to walk towards the well to try and make it seem like she wasn't conversing casually with someone above her station. Ronyn followed her at a subtle distance. "How long is the journey? A day, at least?"

    He hummed, "Something like that. I just wonder what beast could cause such panic." He shrugged. "Suppose we won't know until we see the village for ourselves."

    "Well, be careful," Odette set her bucket down underneath the metal hose. She gripped the lever and tugged; the water gushed through and down. "If these people are any clue to what you're dealing with, this beast is dangerous."

    Ronyn hoisted himself up on his saddle. He might not like it, but he looked regally handsome in that green cloak. "And most likely magical," he stated before setting his horse off with a click of his tongue. "Keep an eye on Adelynn for me, will you?" he asked as he did.

    Odette nodded and she watched him go, weighed heavy at the very thought of what awaited them.

    She didn't hear Gwen walk up to her until she asked, "Where's he off to?"

    Odette bounced her brows, "Responsibility."

    "Never thought Ronyn and responsibility could be said in the same sentence," joked Guinevere and Odette bit back an amused chuckle.

    "He is responsible," said Odette, meeting her friends gaze knowingly. "Underneath it all. He's just also ..."


    She chose not to answer, not exactly sure how to explain Ronyn's reasons to Guinevere▬or even if she should. Turning to the blacksmith's daughter, whose relentless dislike of the Lord has only intensified since their discussion within the dungeons (and afterwards for reasons Odette doesn't even know), she said: "Come on, I believe Adelynn is helping Sir Leon, they might need some fresh water."

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