"I was going to say beautiful but that clearly doesn't apply to your attitude right now." Enzo stated, stumping Lexi's mood swing as she contemplated his words.

"Get out." Niklaus snapped as he watched Lexi's reaction to Enzo's words.

"Don't listen to him." Damon said as he followed Enzo into the living room and collapsed into the lounge next to Lexi, causing her to groan as she tried to move over. As Lexi wriggled over, she adjusted waistband of her pants to cover the bump on her stomach which she was already becoming insecure about. 

As soon as Lexi made the slight change, she felt a deadly gaze on her. Lexi reluctantly raised her eyes to meet Elijah who watched her dominantly, knowing that the uncomfortable amount of pressure he was applying to her would force her to follow his unvoiced demand. Elijah, who refused to shift his view on the matter, watched as Lexi squirmed under his challenging gaze. After a moment, Lexi submissively dropped her gaze from Elijah's and lowered her waistband so that the elastic wasn't applying pressure to her lower abdomen. A slight smirk overtook Elijah features as he relished in his small victory.

"Okay." Damon said, interrupting the conversation the rest of the room had fallen into, "What are you hiding?" 

"What?" Lexi blurted out at Damon's sudden shift in demeanour.

"Lex" Damon started, "I know you better than you know yourself. What are you not telling us?"


"We know who the father is." Lexi mumbled just loud enough for Bonnie, the only one present without supernatural hearing, to hear.

"Who is it?" Bonnie asked as tried to read each of the Mikaelsons and Kai's expressions. Lexi hesitated for a moment, nervously toying with Kol's hair as his head was currently resting on her thighs as he claimed he wanted to the baby's heartbeat better...

Fucking liar.

"Can we place bets?" Damon asked, stopping Lexi who was about to reveal who the father is.

"20 bucks on Kol." Enzo deadpanned earning him a death stare from Lexi.

"Bottle of bourbon on Nikki." Damon stated.

God forbid Damon uses an actual currency.

"15 bucks on Finn." Stefan said as he read each of Lexi's soulmates body languages.

"Come on, Bonnie." Enzo taunted as he noticed she was the only one who hadn't placed a bet, "Who do you think it will be?"

"This isn't something to place bets on." Bonnie stated, "This is a genuinely significant part of Lexi's pregnancy and is important to her life."

"Thank you, Bonnie." Lexi said.

"But 50 bucks on Elijah." Bonnie deadpanned.

What the fuck?

"Why does no one think I could be the father?" Kai whined.

"They wouldn't have let you live if the baby was yours." Stefan explained, gesturing to the Mikaelsons.

"So do you want to know who the father is or-" Lexi started.

"Who is it?" Enzo blurted out.

"It's Elijah's." Lexi stated.

"What?" Damon almost shouted. "No litter of puppies?" He clarified, earning him a death stare from Klaus. 

"No puppies and no bourbon for you." Lexi answered.

"Damn it." Damon muttered.

"Aww." Stefan said, "Daddy Elijah. That's going to be cute."

"Isn't it sir-" Damon started causing Lexi to choke on her saliva whilst Bonnie began cackling. 

"You know what?" Lexi asked. "If we are still here in one month I will tell you who is best overall, if we are still here in two months I will rate them and in three months I will give you a full on review with a detailed description of my first time with each of them." Lexi deadpanned, knowing that they would most likely be out of here in a few weeks.




As Lexi slapped her hand over her mouth whilst she continued dying, Bonnie failed at containing her laughter, the fond memories of their early time in the prison world coming back. Once Lexi recovered from her embarrassment and Bonnie recovered for her laughter, a confused Elijah watched as Bonnie, Lexi, and Damon exchanged an awkward look.

"Anyways," Bonnie said, changing the topic, "Pay up losers."


"Aren't you guys wondering how you will all deal with a baby in this house" Stefan asked.

"Please" Lexi started, "It's Elijah's. This baby is coming out in a suit and tie."

"Even if it's a girl?" Damon challenged.

"It's still part mine." Lexi said, reminding Damon, Stefan, and Bonnie of her iconic look at the masquerade ball which felt like a lifetime ago.

"This baby is going to be really attractive." Enzo said after a moment of looking between Lexi and Elijah.

Jacob Black- I mean what?

"I can't tell what I'm more offended by." Lexi said, "That you're sexualising my unborn baby or that you're calling me attractive in a room filled with my soulmates." Lexi's comment instantly caused Enzo to raise his gaze and notice the dangerous glares attacking him from around the room.

"Not my brightest moment." Enzo mumbled.


"I should probably get going" Bonnie said as she stood from her seat.

"I should go too." Enzo said, standing up to follow Bonnie when the pair then exchanged a knowing look which Lexi couldn't decipher as she watched the interaction.



THOSE HORNY BITCHES- wait... are they finally together? I know I had to watch months of suffocating chemistry between them but did the two people in my life who never put themselves first finally put themselves first-


Proud best friend moment.

Gamophobia: Mikaelson's Mate, MPOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant