Chapter 2: A Troubling Start

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Anais anxiously paced up and down the hallway. She was waiting for Jamie to arrive and was starting to get nervous.

They only had one shot at this. One chance. They had to make it count. Well, that was if she ever actually showed up.

Darwin noticed she was nervous and placed his fin on her shoulder. "Hey, I'm sure she'll be here soon. She's probably just running late, that's all."

She sniffed and smiled weakly. "Yeah, yeah, you're right. Of course she's coming. Why wouldn't she?"

Gumball walked in overhearing her. "Because she doesn't actually care? Like I told you earlier, there's no way she's actually gonna show u-"

Just then the doorbell rang. Anais smirked at Gumball before walking over at opening the door.

"Jamie, hi! Glad you could make it!" Anais welcomed her excitedly.

"Yeah, really glad! Was starting to think you weren't gonna show!" Gumball pretended to be friendly.

"Yeah, uh, sorry about that. I got a little lost. I don't usually come to this part of town." Jamie awkwardly apologised.

"That's fine, as long as you made it here! Uhh, you know you can come inside." Anais noticed her still just standing in the doorway.

"Oh, right, yeah." She came inside.

"Why don't you take a seat in the living room and I'll get some refreshments?" Anais asked as she closed the door.

"Uhh, sure."

"Alright then, won't be long. Gumball, show her to the living room will you?"

"Of course!" He smiled and they went into the living room.

He immediately dropped the facade. "Okay, what are you playing at!?"

" We...we aren't playing a game." She said confused.

He sighed. "I mean why are you pretending like you want to be Anais' friend? Why are you trying to trick her?!"


"You honestly expect us to believe you actually want to be friends with our four-year-old nerdy sister?"

"Yes...?" She said as if it were obvious.

He growled, his claws slowly unsheathing as he slowly walked forwards.

"Whatever you're planning to do to her, forget it. I'm not afraid of you! You can beat me up and insult me all you want, but don't you dare even think about touching my sister! No-one hurts her, no-one upsets her and gets away wi-"

He noticed Anais walking in with a tray of crisps and drinks and quickly retracted his claws. "Oh hey sis! Just uh...making sure she's comfortable!"

He plumped her cushion.

"Okay...? Here you go, help yourself!" She placed the tray down on the table.

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