"James. Shannon." I nod at them as I step inside. After being with Tim for two years, I've only been here a handful of times, usually during the holidays. Being around his parents made me felt suffocated, like I was always being judged. So I was grateful for the rarity in our meetings.

Passing the hallway full of generic photos of a supposedly happy and perfect family, we follow them to the dining room and take a seat at the rectangular table with room for twelve more people. When everyone have finally taken their seats, I initiate the conversation.

"Have you heard anything?" I break the silence. "From Tim?"

"We've been over this with the police, Jasmine. We would have contacted them if we heard anything," Shannon takes the lead, as she usually does.

James sits beside her, fidgeting with his fingers. He might have brought home the money, but she ran the show. How can a strong woman like her ever allow her son to hurt another woman?

"He's your spoiled ass brat of a son, for Christ's sakes, Shannon," Violet lets out, not filtering her animosity towards them. "You expect us to believe that he hasn't reached out to you and begged you to save him? We don't care about him. But what about Daisy? Your granddaughter for fucking sakes! Have some sympathy."

Their calmness boils my blood. Because I can tell they're holding back something, but once again they are protecting him.  

"Shannon. James. Please," I'm begging now, trying to subdue my anger. "We all know what he has done to me all these years. I don't blame you, because I've never even stepped up for myself, so how can I have expected you to defend me? But none of that matters right now. I just want my daughter back. I won't press charges. I won't go looking for him. As far as I know, he would have never existed in our life, as long as Daisy is safely back with me."                                                                     

"What a childish thought, Jasmine. He's going to be charged with kidnapping if he returns. That's entirely out of your hands, hun. What would you do if it was your son?"

Shannon doesn't miss a beat, but she's not getting ahead of me this time.

"What would you do if it was your daughter? Snatched from your arms, while she was screaming and crying for you? Knowing that she's out there without her mother? Knowing that she is in danger?" I swallow my tears. I will not be intimidated by her. Not this time.

Shannon's reaction is unbothered. She shows no emotions because she has no emotions. "Like I said, I would have contacted the police if I knew anything. I would do what I think is best for Daisy at this point."

Something about the way she said that does not sit right with me.

"You know nothing about what is best for Daisy, seeing how your son has turned out." I could swear she winces slightly at my statement, more reaction than I have ever seen before.

"As envious as I am of Tim for having parents that can love and protect him unconditionally, how can you sleep at night knowing what he's done, not helping him right his wrongs?"

She doesn't even look me in the eyes now, her expression unreadable, processing thoughts that will never be heard.

Regardless, this conversation is pointless. I thought if they witnessed my desperation and see for themselves what heartbreak I was experiencing, they would give in and do what any grandparent would do. But instead, they continue to shield their son, still trying to make excuses as to why he would do what he did.

I motion for Violet to stand up and leave, no longer able to bear the vileness that portrays before me. As I'm turning away from the dining room, I see it. The pink telephone toy!The same one that Daisy was still holding onto when he took her from me. It is there on the family room floor under their coffee table.

Impossible. She was here. Daisy was here! She was recently here!

Shannon catches my eyes. "I have bought one and left it here so she could have played with it whenever she came over."

I haven't even spoken a word and she is already on the defense, knowing exactly what I was referring to. Lies. I bought that only a week before the fight. Neither of them has been over since then. She was so quick to cover her tracks that she didn't even bother to let me make the assumption first.

All senses cease to exist for me at this point, and I can only see red, wanting nothing more than to rip her lying tongue out.

"You cruel, cold-hearted bitch!" I lunge at her, ready to inflict the pain on her that I am feeling inside. Violet runs to me and jerks me back before I can make contact with Shannon's face.

"Jasmine, don't!" Why is she stopping me? "Don't let her get you like this. You know them and their lawyers. Don't let them win like this. Just don't, Jasmine!"

"Give her to me!" I'm sobbing hysterically, ignoring Violet's words. "You tell that psycho to give me back my daughter! He's done enough to me. Give. Me. Daisy!"

They are backed up against the dining table. Looking more horrified than I've ever seen them before, yet, not disclosing a single word. They have never seen me like this. This loud. This violent. They cannot even imagine what I am capable of beyond this.

Violet manages to drag me out of their front door, shoving me into the passenger side of the car. My vision becomes blurry, my chest huffing with each stinging breath I take. The house minimizes as Violet peels off the driveway. I can hear her start to cry, and I know she is just as furious as I am.

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