Chapter 11: Welcome party

Start from the beginning

As if on auto pilot, before you realized it, you had reached your arm up to grab her drink, "I'll take it for her, she's not good with alcohol." 

She seemed surprised by your gesture and tried to protest, reaching up for her drink. 

"Its ok", you whispered to her and gently brushed her arm away.  She didn't say anything else after that and everyone cheered as you downed her drink. 

This repeated for the next few hours, until most of the group were either drunk or very tipsy. You were also getting pretty drunk since Y/N wasn't very good at these games and you had to drink for her many times.

Seeing everyones condition, Ray decided to call it a night.


3rd person POV

As everyone said their goodbyes outside the restaurant, the group was deciding how to get the drunk ones home. Ray had offered to take Ella and Chris home, while the old staff managed each other as they were familiar with where they each lived. This left Chanyeol's chaperon undecided. 

Feeling guilty that Chanyeol is drunk because he volunteered to drink on her behalf, Y/N volunteers to take Chanyeol home. 

As they leave the group, Y/N asks Chanyeol where he lives, but he seems to be dozing off while leaning on Y/N for support. Immediately, she thinks to text Baek asking him for their dorm's address. Chanyeol peaks over her shoulder and sees that she is texting Baek and gets annoyed, snatching her phone away,  "Aren't you taking me home?! Why are you texting your Baek?" putting some emphasis on Baekhyun's name. 

"Hey! I was just trying to ask him for your address so I can send you home." She responds innocently.

He punches something into her phone and hands it back to her, "Here, tell the taxi driver to take us here. This is my personal apartment. If you took me back to the dorm while I'm drunk, Suho will give me a lecture."

Y/N then followed his instructions and took him back to his apartment. 

As they entered his apartment, she leads him to the couch and lie him down. She looks for the kitchen and pour him a glass of warm water. "Here drink this, it will make you feel better." She helps him sit up on the couch, and hands him the glass as she sits beside him.

As Chanyeol sits up, he suddenly realize how close they were sitting on the couch. Not sure if it was the alcohol acting up, he feels an urge to close the gap even more. He reaches his hand towards her cheek and stares into her eyes. His touch initially startles Y/N but she doesn't break eye contact either. The two feels the warmth building between them as their distance closes until their lips touch. 

The kiss starts out as a soft peck on the lips, but then soon develops to a full on make out session with both releasing their locked up emotions and longing over the past year of missing each other. 

After a while, they finally released each other to catch a breadth. 

Chanyeol looks at Y/N for her reaction, while Y/N looks down at her hands as if deep in thought.

Chanyeol couldn't stand the silence, "Hey, what are you thinking about?" he asks as he reaches for her chin to tilt her head up so he can see her beautiful eyes. 

But Y/N turns her head avoiding eye contact as she gathers her thoughts about what just happened.

"You know you can tell me anything" Chanyeol moves his hands to hold hers to try to comfort her.

"I'm confused" Y/N finally speaks up while continuing to look down.


"About what just happened and about what you did all night, drinking on my behalf." She tries to explain, "You've ignored my texts for a whole year, ignored me when I arrived at SM and when you see me in the hallways. I thought you hated me ever since that night and don't want anything to do with me anymore. But today, you suddenly doing all the warm gestures..." Her voice trails off at the end as if running out of breadth trying to express her bottled up frustration. 

Chanyeol sighs when she reminded him of his childish behaviour.  "I'm sorry..."

 Y/N looks at him as if signalling him to continue.

"I'm sorry about ignoring you and giving you the cold shoulder." Chanyeol starts to explain with guilt in his voice. "But I was really hurt when I got rejected that night and needed time to myself to get over you. I thought I was, until you suddenly showed up at SM, I was surprised and didn't know how to react to that. On top of that, I was surprised that Baek introduced you to the job, that he was still in contact with you...I was kind of jealous" He almost whispered the last part, as if embarrassed to admit it.

This wasn't what Y/N had expected to hear and didn't know what to say in response, "I..."

Before she was able to formulate anything, Chanyeol continued, "I guess what I'm trying to say is...I still have feelings for you. I'm not sure if you still feel the same for me, but if by any chance you still do..." He looks at her with the same sincerity as he did a year ago when he was confessing to her.

Y/N could hear and feel his sincerity, and hearing his confession, she really wants to tell him that she still feels the same longing for him, but again, she needed to realize the reality, "Chanyeol, nothing has changed...."

"You are in Korea now, we wouldn't be doing this long d anymore, we can make this work." He tries to convince her.

"Chanyeol, you are still EXO's Chanyeol. The amount of spotlight on you and your personal life has not changed, there is no way we can do this without impacting your career." She says while getting up to leave, "Goodbye Chanyeol." She rushes out of his apartment afraid that he sees the tears that are forming in her eyes as she has to reject the love of her life, her best friend, her bias, for the second time...

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