Chapter 5: Tennis

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I bound my hair into a low ponytail that rippled down with sparkles. I was dressed in a black sports bra that popped out of my black hoodie. I was all ready to play tennis with Mihai and Laura, but Raiden and Reina were still getting ready in their rooms. So I packed them some water bottles and some snacks.

"Kids! Are you ready?" I called out. I looked over my shoulder towards the door, where those two came running in with their thundering footsteps.

"Ready!" Raiden exclaimed. His eyes shone under his blue cap, matching his hoodie and beige shorts. Meanwhile, Reina stood in the door frame, clutching her little bag, and staring at my feet like she was turned onto a statue.

"Reina are you alright?" I went over and brushed her hair away from her face. I lifted her chin into the light, but she jerked it away, and I saw the red cracks slithering around her eyelids.

"Have you been crying?"

"I'm alright," she said quietly. She clutched her bag in while staring at the ground.

"You sure?" I held her chin while waiting for an answer. The more she evaded eye contact, the more worried I got of what could possibly be bothering her. I didn't want her suffering in silence while I was her and we had a chance to talk.

"I'm sure," she whispered and started walking towards the front door. Her head dropped like a withering flower which made me more worried that she wasn't being completely honest.

We got inside the car, and I adjusted the mirror. I quickly put on some lipstick that colored my lips like rose petals, swept a hair behind my ear and turned the radio on.

I glanced at my children in the mirror chilling in the backseat. Raiden was playing on his Switch and Reina gazed out the window and fiddled with her loom bracelet. I was so happy we could be a proper family now, well at least trying to be.

We drove down the narrowed lane of trees that stood outside the houses, sharp as swords. The branches swayed with the wind as wires raced through the autumn leaves and ended wrapped around a pole. Over the bridge we drove, with the calming lake beside that laid still like the traffic we got joined. It followed us to the tennis court where we saw Laura and Mihai waiting for us.

I parked the car and held their hands while I breathed in the cold air that blew against my cheeks. Up ahead, I saw Laura and Mihai waving at us.

"Bună Mona, Raiden și Reina!" Laura cheerfully shouted hello to us. I braced myself as we met in the middle and exchanged cheek kisses. She suddenly squeezed me into a hug as her blonde hair flicked against my face.

"I was afraid you wouldn't be able to find the place," Laura said, pulling away and holding me with her pink-painted nails.

"Me too." I said, "but I had no problem driving here," I said as I saw Mihai walking towards us from behind.

"Hei idioată," he said, coming to my side and punched my arm.

"Hei!" I said as he hugged me. He then brushed past me and high-Fizeș my kids.

"Thanks for inviting me out here," I said and brushed my hair back while the wind blew my hoodie. It was nice getting out of my shell every once in a while. Especially when it felt lonely at home with just my kids.

"Nicio problemă! The day is really nice today so it's perfect!" She grinned widely as Mihai clasped her hand tightly.

"Should we get started then?" He looked between us with a grin and started walking toward the court with Laura beside him. I followed them with my bag smacking my side until Reina came and quickly tugged at my arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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