Chapter 8

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Rudraksh was damn shocked when Hanna asked about Rathore. Among every single thing that Akhilesh spoke only the word disappearance grabbed her attention. 

"Excuse me..." He asked to confirm whether she was asking about Rathore itself or it was just an instant curiosity. 

"Rathore... He was asking... Sarovar Portico... " Hanna joined all those smaller fragments of statement to ask for more. 

"Yeah... Sarovar Portico.." Rudraksh realized that because she got a booking there, she captured the wordings of Akhilesh more precisely.

"I mean that was just another family who was into business. Years back they faced a sudden loss and decided to sell out most of their shares. Thus how they disappeared as the family left." Finishing the entire story in one go Rudraksh walked forward and showed her the way to the area where the event would take part. 

"Welcome to the auction, sir...." A young girl welcomed them as they moved inside and grabbed the respective table. The staff came and removed the note reserved from the top of it. A few tables away Akhilesh sat and after grabbing a sight of Rudraksh and Hanna, he waved his hand at them. 

"Hope you have liked the hospitality...." Rudraksh brought the chair a little close to Hanna and asked her with a smile. 

"Of course. You haven't left a choice but to accept such hospitality that your people are providing me since I stepped into India I guess." Hanna smirked while opening her clutch bag and bringing out her cell phone from there. 

"Was that taunt or a compliment," Rudraksh asked her tapping his index finger on his lips. 

"As you would like to accept them, sir." She replied and turned her face sideways to listen to the host of the event. 

"Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. Hope you are......" She continued her opening speech while introducing some major important people who came for that specific auction.

"We have another special guest here today...." The host spoke and the spotlight fell on their table, precisely on the man sitting on the chair. 

"Mr. Rudraksh Randhawa...... " He raised his hand and the room heard a round of applause at the same time. 

The country knows him as the best and the biggest businessman who achieved success at a very young age. Along with other people Hanna also clapped for the same man who was sitting in front of her. 

"Thanks for the appreciation." Once the spotlight shifted away from them, Rudraksh replied watching Hanna intently. 

"Of course. When the surroundings are applauding, how can I not." She shifted to her place properly and watched the man clutching his jaw. Maybe she was getting enough of his nerves since she had met him. But how could she not? The man who started controlling her actions couldn't be just ignored in the same way.

"You know what... " Rudraksh started speaking but thinking for a second, he decided to let that matter go. "Leave it...." He changed the topic. 

"So... As I was saying...." He took the lead while grabbing the little object placed on the table. "You can bid if you want..." He finished and her lips twitched in a different style of smile.

"And what is the threshold for the bidding?"

"Rudraksh doesn't have a threshold. You can choose whatever suits you fine." He leaned back fixing his tie while saying proudly about his money.

"As if I care a lot. It's your country and your auction...." She replied but Rudraksh gave her another little shock.

"You are going to bid for me. I guess that's why you are here." 

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