We're both startled when there's a knock at the door, the surprise look on Violet's face telling me she wasn't expecting visitors. I stand, moving towards the door, opening it slightly and with caution.

To my surprise, I see Dr. Leonard, standing there with his light blue scrubs, looking back at me with eyes that can pierce my soul, but lips tightly sealed. I hold the door ajar, glancing up with curiosity. How did he know we lived here? Is he stalking us? Has he seen my address on my paperwork? What has brought him here? Panic starts to set in as I imagine the worst and comes to two decisions. Fight or flight.

"Hey, Taylor!" Violet yells, popping up from behind me before I can react. She turns to me and says, "Taylor was the one that helped me move all your things. I told you he was dedicated." She reaches over me to push the door open wider, welcoming him inside.

Not fight nor flight. 

"I didn't mean to invade like this. My apologies," he says to us politely, a slight sense of regret within his eyes.

Even though he is on an entire step down from the doorway, he is still taller than me, causing me to look up at him. His body is slender, but his shoulders are broad.

"I know you were discharged today, and I'm sure Violet has her hands full, so I just thought I came by with some lunch." He holds up two paper bags and hands it to me.

Violet grabs the bags. "Taylor, please come join us. I hope you don't think that we're so rude as to treat you like a delivery boy."

His eyes glance towards me, in what seems to seek for approval. I move aside to let him in, not wanting to be impolite, as Violet had said. In the three months I've been out, has it became the norm for doctors to make house call post-treatment?

He reluctantly passes me following Violet's invitation, and as he steps through the door, our arms gently brushes, sending unanticipated static through my veins. He looks over at me, face inches from mine, maybe wondering why I haven't moved completely out of the way for him to enter.

Quickly, I look away with a swift movement, afraid that he might decipher whatever it is that is lingering behind my eyes.

I couldn't help but to turn my face as far from him as possible, most likely from the shame of a quizzical feeling within my muscles. I'm unsure of what these unknown triggers are that have caused me to feel so disoriented. How dare I feel anything at all?

The smell of him intoxicates me, but I shake my head from this trance, closing the door and following both of them to the kitchen bar. Taylor obviously knows his way around the house and I couldn't help but to wonder how often he had visited?

My thoughts finally line up after a few dull minutes, as everything starts to make sense. He is involved with Violet, of course. That has to be it. Why else would a doctor go through these lengths for his patient?

My heart sinks, but I don't know why. It shouldn't and is absolutely ridiculous. I should be so happy for Violet. If anyone deserves this, it's my little sister who have been through enough trauma to last a lifetime. How could I think about romance and fluttering feelings at a time like this? What kind of mother am I? What kind of sister am I?

They're both seated at the kitchen bar now, Violet pulling out a stool for me to sit down next to her, so that I'm facing him with guilt.

"How are you feeling?" Taylor asks me as Violet starts to pass out the sandwiches, splitting one of it in half for me and her to share.

"I'm okay, I guess," I respond shyly. "I want to say thank you, Dr. Leonard, for taking care of Violet and helping her these past few months. Helping me, actually."

Loud SilenceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon