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Guess who updated again, SO SOON!

"Well you see, we were late because I did Naruto up the bum" Sasuke said proudly, locking eye contact with Iruka. The whole room was silent as Naruto went a deep crimson red at Sasuke's announcement. Suddenly hysterical laughter could be heard from behind the two, Sasuke turned around to see Kakashi, hunched over, clutching at his stomach with tears falling from his eyes. Obviously Kakashi had came to join the group session and arrived seconds after Sasuke and Naruto to be blessed with hearing Sasuke's cocky answer. Soon enough, the rest of the group started laughing and Iruka got incredibly flustered and had to stand outside to compose himself.

"You guys look like shit, didn't you shower?" Gaara asked after the two came over and sat down,

"we were already late!" Naruto shouted, "not our fault! We'll shower later I guess"

Sasuke chuckled and put an arm around Naruto who pulled a face and pushed him away, "you smell like sweat" Naruto said and moved his chair away from Sasuke. Soon enough Iruka walked back into the room, a deep blush still present on his face.

"Group is cancelled for the day, we'll catch up tomorrow" he said quickly and grabbed his folder before hurrying out. Kakashi shrugged and followed, leaving the whole group alone once more.

"That is amazing! I can run more laps around the hospital! I must find Gai Sensei!" Lee shouted before jumping up from his chair and rushing out the room. Ino chuckled at the hyperactive teen and walked over to the others

"guys guess what" She said enthusiastically,

"what?" Shikamaru said stretching back in his chair,

"I got 8 tickets to art therapy if you wanna go chill there?"

"got nothing better to do" Shikamaru shrugged.

"Awesome! Come on then" she said as she handed everyone a ticket and walked out the room.

The small group followed Ino out of the group room and down a long corridor that contained all the different types of therapy room. They all walked into a large empty room that was filled with many different types of art supplies.

"I love coming here" Ino said, "but for the past eight weeks I've been saving up tickets so you guys can come along with me"

"really?" Sasuke asked, "that's so sweet" Kiba nodded in agreement. Ino walked over to some form of ticket reader and scanned all eight tickets before closing the door.

"Have at it guys, we have this place for an hour" she said and giggled and pulled Sakura over to a corner filled with easels. Neji and Gaara shrugged and walked over to a pottery station, Shikamaru went and lay down on one of the sofa's which left Kiba Sasuke and Naruto stood in the corner.

"I guess we should get some paper and do something" Naruto said and pulled his boyfriends and his best friends hands over to a table.

Over in the corner of the room Ino was pleading to Sakura about letting her draw her but Sakura wasn't having any of it. Ino grumbled and sat down on a chair and folded her arms and refused to look at Sakura.

"Oh come on Ino" Sakura pouted and held her best friends hand,

"no!" Ino grumbled and pulled her hand away, Sakura sighed

"Okay fine! I'll model for you"

"really?! That's amazing thank you so much Sakura just stand there!" Ino shouted, instantly jumping back into her quirky personality,

"you owe me" Sakura sighed and did as she was told.

Ino grabbed an easel and set it up with a board and a bit of paper. She grabbed a pencil and started sketching the outline of Sakura's body. Ino had been doing art therapy since she got first brought into the hospital, it was the only thing that helped her when her drug cravings got incredibly bad. Due to the time she'd spent she was reasonably good at drawing and figured if she could draw Sakura it would help her realize that she has a beautiful weight and shouldn't be ashamed of it. Ino smiled as she looked at her best friend, she'd gained a lot of weight since she was first brought in and a few months ago she had even started her first period. Ino was proud of Sakura, she'd always thought Sakura was too kind and innocent to be in here, but then again she'd met her best friend so it couldn't all be that bad.

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