Time for group

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Wow it's a bloody miracle, sorry for the late update and I am going to stay up all night to get this up for you's! I've just been so busy with school and everything! Oh and update~ I'm going to comic con this year! woo woo well actually it's yorkshire cosplay con.. April 4th... So I suggest getting tickets or searching for it! It's in england, heck I might be able to meet some of you :D Um yeah so all through this week I have been singing 'Giving up, giving up, Cant write fanfic anymore~ Giving up, giving up, I'm so sleepy and so bored~ I dont care what fans are going to say, Wait another week~ Review hate never bothered me anyway' and I'm not even sorry! On with the story! Naruto doesn't belong to me sadly but this story does! please review if you like! All reviews are loved! :D Told in Naru's POV for a change!

I woke up as the sun came through the sides of the blackout curtains. I looked over at the digital clock and sighed, it had been about three hours since I actually fell asleep? Today was going to be a long day. Swinging my feet over the bed I glanced over at Sasuke, he was my new roommate and seemed to have a lot of issues with people. Sasuke had come to the hospital about 6 months after me, he had been took into the room by Orochimaru and seemed more confused about the surroundings than when I was, and I was pretty hateful towards it. Sasuke had come into the room looking like a lost soul, like he had only just figured out something life threatening. I still remember him telling me how his parents were dead, honestly it explained a lot, how he had the hurt and empty look in his eyes, the 'tough guy' stance, like he wasn't planning on letting anyone in easily. I can't say we were all that different.

A knock on my room door brought me out of my thoughts and I sleepily staggered over to the door. Pulling it open I saw my all time favourite nurse from this place, a young woman named Shizune, she was in a relationship with the head medic and brought everyone's medication when they wake up and before they go to bed. She was the kindest to me and we bonded over a short period of time, allowing me to settle in. I knew I could always find her in the infirmary and I could always talk to her if something was bothering me. To begin with she got more out of me than my private therapist, Iruka, but I soon warmed up to him as well after realizing that the only was out was to prove I'm not crazy.

"Good morning, Naruto-kun, sleep well?" She asked, smiling brightly and handing me a bottle of water and two round pills. Taking them and swallowing them, washing the medication down with a swig of bottled water I shrugged.

"I got about three hours, maybe three and a half at a push" I said sleepily and watched as Shizune nodded and wrote it down. The reason I take pills in the morning is to increase my strength as I hardly sleep so normally I would be really weak, these give me the strength of an average person.. Well I'm getting there, I can lift things and walk places without becoming out of breath... I know what you're thinking, how could I lift Sasuke? Well the kid isn't that heavy to begin with so... Yeah! The pills at night help me sleep, when I first got here I was nervous so I would go days without sleep before passing out due to lack of rest where my body basically gave up and all went limp. It would happen a lot but I found some peace here, the staff are nice, well most of them, and the people here can be fun to be around, especially Kiba! I would defiantly say Kiba is my best friend... A lot of people here are here because their family believes there is something wrong with them but some have serious issues. Oh talking about my friends I have group today, I wonder if Sasuke would like them.

I watched as Shizune walked out again and I closed the door, sighing lightly and going into the bathroom. I would kill to see my appearance in the morning but they don't have mirrors in the dorms, only in the therapist offices, due to cutters and suicidal kids... Like Sasuke and Gaara... I think they might get along. Gaara is depressed and cuts a lot so he usually tries to cut his skin with whatever he can find. He has been put into solitary a lot and is constantly being followed by staff and has to eat with a plastic knife and fork, but he still managed to draw blood by snapping it and digging it into his arm. Changing my minds subject from Gaara to Sasuke I stripped and stepped into the shower, feeling relaxed as the warm water falls down my back. Questions raced through my head as I washed my hair and stared at the dull wall. Like would it kill them to get some colour in here? It's so boring. I kept questioning Sasuke's past even after I got out the shower and pulled on some loose black sweats and a orange T-shirt and stepped out the bathroom back into the bedroom, only to see Sasuke awake and lying on his bed examining a fox plushy that belonged to me.

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